Barry Brenesal wrote:

>>Aram Khachaturian's daughter, whose name has for the moment slipped what's
>>left of my mind.

Steven Schwartz responded:

>I think it's Karen Khachaturian.

I don't think so.  Karen Khatchaturian is a man.  On the other hand,
probably Barry was thinking of Nina Makarova, who was Aram Khatchaturian's
wife, or so I read once.  Her most famous piece seems to be her D-minor
symphony, which can be heard on a Russian Disc CD.

>Anybody know Vaughan Williams's student Elizabeth Maconchy or Holst's pupil
>Jane Joseph? Maconchy has written some fine string quartets and a marvelous
>English "Moldau" called "Proud Thames," among many other things.  I have
>heard absolutely nothing by Joseph, but Havergal Brian admired the music

I never heard a single note of Jane Joseph.  Dame Elizabeth Maconchy
has also composed a very interesting Serenata concertante for violin and
orchestra, recorded on LP by Manoug Parikian, and three symphonies, of
which the Symphony for double string orchestra is well worth trying.  Now
I do not know why neither Maconchy's nor Elizabeth Lutyens's symphonies
("Symphonies", in the latter case) seem to be available on CD.  Of course
the same could be asked about many male composers too, but Searle's and
Frankel's have finally been (very competently IMHO) released by CPO, to
name two composers relatively close to the above-mentioned artists.

(Hopefully Horror Vacui will not have to wait until year 2060 or so...)

Best wishes,

Thanh-Tam Le
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