Richard Pennycuick wrote:

>A few more names to add to the mix: Peggy Glanville-Hicks (who spent much
>of her life in the US), Miriam Hyde, Margaret Sutherland.  All (drumroll,
>please) Australians and composers of very approachable music.  There are
>others, but they'll do to be going on with.
>I think I remember a Vox Box of string quartets or piano trios or
>somethings by female composers.  Do I?

Yes, indeed you do.  Unfortunately that box was very badly played by
one of the worst string quartets I ever had the misfortune to listen to.
Fortunately, it can be bought cheaply: it's on sale now at Berkshire
Record Outlet.  I keep it because for some of the works, that is the only
reproduction available.  I try not to listen to it, though.

Mimi Ezust