Along similar lines,

There was an review in the Philadelphia Inquirer Re:  The Art of Eugene
Ormandy (Biddulph Recordings 2 CD - good + rating) Recordings from

   ....  What kind of a violinist was he (Ormandy).  In a 1923 take of
   Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Hymn to the Sun', his sound is thick and dark like
   molasses, and he doesn't hesitate to schmaltz it up.

   Pieces such as Herbert's 'Kiss Me Again' and Franz Drdla's 'Souvenir'
   (in which he is accompanied by his first wife, New York Philharmonic
   harpist Stephanie Goldner) must have helped to put the popular-song
   bug in his ear - a taste he did not fail to exercise later as one of
   the most recorded conductors ever.  With the Dorsey brothers' concert
   orchestra, Ormandy leads an exceedingly sweet 'Was It a Dream?'

   The two-CD release reminds us that Ormandy was music director of the
   Minneapolis (now Minnesota) Symphony Orchestra, with takes of Charles
   Griffes' impressionistic 'The Pleasure Dome of Kubla Khan' and other
   works.  With the Philadelphia Orchestra, he is heard in a 1940
   recording of Barber's 'Essay No. 1 for Orchestra, Opus 12', Nicolai
   Miaskovsky's 'Symphony No. 21 in F Sharp Minor' and Richard Strauss'
   'Sinfonia Domestica'.

   One movement of Mahler's 'Symphony No.  8' in included.  Performed
   with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, it comes from a 1948 live broadcast,
   and the sound quality is variable.  But a certain humanity shines
   through, not to mention a greater sense of theater than is usually
   ascribed to Ormandy.

   .... Peter Dobrin

Unfortunately, the review doen't give the CD Numbers.

Mary Esterheld
Office of the Deputy Provost