Tim Dickinson asked:

>Aren't all American orchestras paid the same union scale for recording?
>If so, what other costs make it more expensive to record the majors?

As far as I know, all union locals are different, and all their recording
scales are different.  There is no natiomal standard.  Just as orchestral
contracts are different.  Salaries are not uniform between orchestras, even
between those supposedly on the same level.

Besides, this not just my opinion.  I've read it stated over and and over
that American orchestras are expensive to record.  When you think of it,
why else did the majors start recording big time in England? Because the
orchestas were great and relatively cheap.  Ditto Naxos moving into Eastern
Europe.  Wouldn't these companies record in the US if the prices were cheap
enough? I'd think so.

But it's been a long time.  This is how I understand and recall the
situation, but if someone knows better, I'm interested in hearing it.

Roger Hecht