Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>While driving it seemed to me that this was perfect music for a
>post-nuclear blast drive through the old home town: bodies burning and
>decaying with the stench of death, disease, and contamination all around.
>Is there any music which you would consider just right for the occassion?

Kokkonens String Quartets are the perfect appetizer for burned human
skin and brainsubstance squirted on the walls.  Kreneks 2.  Sinfonie paints
a perfect destroyed landscape of houses in ruins, destroyed families,
stinking dead bodies, blood in puddles on the streets, burned trees and
dead fish in the sea, and dead birds in the air.

Seriously though; Some slow movement from Mahlers 9 would be a perfect
lament to a tradgedy, and is probably what I would find suitable to play
at such an occasion.

Wasn't the helicopter attack in the film "Apocalypse" accompaigned by this
dramatic music "Ride of the Walkueres"? So music has been used to talk
about disaster.

Mats Norrman
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