Roberto Strappafelci wrote about my comment that WCRB (Boston) was drifting to
an all-Vivaldi repertory:

>BTW, it is the second time in the last few days that Vivaldi has been held
>up as a negative example.

Vivaldi deserves better, but a relatively small part of his repertory is
played over and over again.  The Four Seasons is a fine work, but it cannot
stand up to almost constant repetition.  The most beautiful Vivaldi work
IMHO is the Gloria Mass, but that is never heard on WCRB.  In fact, I don't
recall the last time I heard the human voice on WCRB.  It is not a frequent
occurrence.  I can only assume that the human voice carries a cargo of
emotion and intensity inconsistent with the feel-good goals of the station.

Professor Bernard Chasan
Physics Department, Boston University