First, the statistics:  48 people voted for a total of 135 pieces by 64
composers.  34 pieces received more than one vote, leaving 101, or 75% of
the total, with a single vote each.

It will come as no surprise to anyone that a certain work by Igor
Stravinsky is the clear, not to say the outRITE winner of the poll.  By
an enormous margin, MCML members (and their friends and relations) have
voted "The Rite of Spring" to be the piece that best typifies twentieth
century classical music.  Several people indicated that they were taking
the Rite winning for granted, so left it out of their lists in order to get
something else in - therefore its true position in the poll is even more
dominating than it appears.  Perhaps more interesting is the fact that only
one other Stravinsky piece gained more than one vote (Petrushka with 2).
By contrast, Shostakovich has no fewer than five pieces with more than one
vote (and Bartok has three).  Overall, Shostakovich emerges clearly as the
composer who dominates the twentieth century musical landscape - he has
more pieces in the poll than anyone else, and they cover a huge range -
symphonies, an opera, solo piano, string quartets, chamber music.  He only
misses out on a concerto, and I would suggest that a good case could be
made for the 2nd cello concerto.  I find it curiously satisfying that a
man who spent his life under one of the most oppressive regimes of the
century should emerge from this poll with such stature.  I am delighted
to acknowledge Dmitri Shostakovich as the MCML Composer of the Century,
despite certain recent threads!  After the Rite come a few surprises for
me.  When I first thought up this poll, Britten's War Requiem never
occurred to me as a possible high scorer (much as I love it).  But it
became evident early on that it was going to be very near the top.  I also
love Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde, but I have trouble seeing what is so
distinctively twentieth-century about it.  Although it was written near
to the end of Mahler's life, it seems to me in many ways to embody more a
late-19th century sensibility than a 20th century one.  I was for a long
time undecided between the 9th symphony (3 votes) or the unfinished 10th
(2 votes), but eventually went for the 10th.  Schoenberg had to appear
somewhere in the upper regions, but I was surprised that Pierrot Lunaire
did as well as it did - perhaps my personal intense dislike of the
piece biases my judgement here!  It's also surprising to me that the
ultra-romantic Verklarte Nacht was Schoenberg's second piece with 2
votes, rather than any more "modernist" part of his output.  In fact
I was surprised generally by the number of pieces chosen that have at
least one foot in the late romantics and the nineteenth century.  Also
by the number of pieces that I have never heard of, let alone heard.

The list that follows is lifted from the spreadsheet I used to collect the
results. I hope the formatting survives reasonably intact - and it should
look at its best in a fixed-width font, if you are able to use one.

Stravinsky                Rite of Spring                             25
Britten                   War Requiem                                9
Mahler                    Das Lied von der Erde                      9
Schoenberg                Pierrot Lunaire                            6
Shostakovich              Sym 5                                      5
Bartok                    Music for Strings, Perc & Celeste          4
Berg                      Violin Concerto                            4
Berg                      Wozzeck                                    4
Debussy                   La Mer                                     4
Holst                     The Planets                                4
Shostakovich              Sym 13 Babi Yar                            4
Shostakovich              Sym 8                                      4
Bartok                    Concerto for Orchestra                     3
Bartok                    String Quartet 3                           3
Gershwin                  Rhapsody in Blue                           3
Mahler                    Sym 9                                      3
Shostakovich              String Quartet 13                          3
Vaughan Williams          Sym 5                                      3
Britten                   Peter Grimes                               2
Gorecki                   Sym 3                                      2
Mahler                    Sym 10                                     2
Messiaen                  Catalogue des Oiseaux                      2
Messiaen                  Turangalila                                2
Messiaen                  Quartet for the End of Time                2
Rachmaninov               Piano Concerto 3                           2
Ravel                     Daphnis & Chloe                            2
Ravel                     Piano Concerto Gm                          2
Rodrigo                   Concierto de Aranjuez                      2
Schoenberg                Verklarte Nacht                            2
Shostakovich              Sym 10                                     2
Sibelius                  Sym 2                                      2
Strauss Richard           Four Last Songs                            2
Stravinsky                Petrushka                                  2
Ustvoltskaya              Dies Irae                                  2
Barber                    Knoxville, 1915                            1
Barber                    Violin Concerto                            1
Bartok                    Pno Concerto 2                             1
Bartok                    String Quartet 6                           1
Bartok                    Violin Concerto 2                          1
Berg                      Lulu                                       1
Bernstein                 West Side Story                            1
Birtwistle                Mask of Orpheus                            1
Bliss                     Adam Zero ballet                           1
Blomdahl                  Aniara                                     1
Boulez                    Le Marteau sans Maitre                     1
Boulez                    Pli selon Pli                              1
Britten                   Spring Symphony                            1
Butterworth               Six Songs from "Shropshire Lad"            1
Cage                      4'33"                                      1
Cage                      Sonatas & Intlds for PrepPno               1
Ciurlionis                Dans la Foret                              1
Ciurlionis                La Mer                                     1
Copland                   Appalachian Spring                         1
Copland                   Fanfare for the Common Man                 1
Copland                   Rodeo                                      1
Crumb                     Ancient Voices of Children                 1
Debussy                   Pelleas & Melisande                        1
Debussy                   Prelude to Afternoon of  Faun              1
Debussy                   Preludes for Solo Piano                    1
Dessau                    In Memoriam Bertold Brecht                 1
Eisler                    Hollywood Songbook                         1
Elgar                     Cello Concerto                             1
Frankel                   Violin Conc. Memory of the 6 million       1
Gershwin                  Piano Concerto F                           1
Gershwin                  Porgy & Bess                               1
Glass                     Satyagraha                                 1
Glass                     Violin Concerto                            1
Hartmann                  Sym 8                                      1
Hindemith                 Ludus Tonalis                              1
Hindemith                 Sym Bb                                     1
Honegger                  Sym 2                                      1
Ives                      Sym 4                                      1
Ives                      The Unanswered Question                    1
Janacek                   Cunning Little Vixen                       1
Janacek                   Glagolitic Mass                            1
Kancheli                  Mourned by the Wind                        1
Ligeti                    Atmospheres                                1
Lutoslawski               Les espaces du sommeil                     1
Mahler                    Sym 6                                      1
Mahler                    Sym 8                                      1
Martin                    Der Cornet                                 1
Messiaen                  St.Francois d'Assise                       1
Nielsen                   Sym 5                                      1
Part                      Fratres                                    1
Part                      Tabula Rasa                                1
Penderecki                Threnody for Victims of Hiroshima          1
Petterson                 Sym 7                                      1
Prokofiev                 Alexander Nevsky                           1
Prokofiev                 Piano Concerto 3                           1
Prokofiev                 Sym 1                                      1
Puccini                   La Fanciulla del West                      1
Puccini                   Turandot                                   1
Rachmaninov               Sym 2                                      1
Ravel                     Bolero                                     1
Ravel                     L'Infant & les sortileges                  1
Ravel                     Tombeau de Couperin                        1
Reich                     Different Trains                           1
Reich                     Drumming                                   1
Respighi                  Roman Festivals                            1
Rozsa                     Ben Hur                                    1
Rzewski                   People United Will Never Be                1
Scelsi                    Quattro pezzi per orchestra                1
Schmidt                   Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln                1
Schnittke                 Cello Concerto 2                           1
Schoenberg                Opus 11                                    1
Schoenberg                Violin Concerto                            1
Shostakovich              Lady Macbeth of Mtensk                     1
Shostakovich              Piano Quintet                              1
Shostakovich              Preludes & Fugues Op87                     1
Shostakovich              String Quartet 6                           1
Shostakovich              Sym 11                                     1
Shostakovich              Sym 15                                     1
Sibelius                  Sym 4                                      1
Sibelius                  Sym 7                                      1
Sibelius                  Tapiola                                    1
Smyth                     March of the Women                         1
Stockhausen               Hymnen                                     1
Stockhausen               Stimmung                                   1
Strauss Richard           Der Rosenkavalier                          1
Strauss Richard           Elektra                                    1
Strauss Richard           Metamorphosen                              1
Stravinsky                Firebird                                   1
Stravinsky                Pulcinella                                 1
Stravinsky                Soldier's Tale                             1
Tippett                   Sym 9                                      1
Varese                    Arcana                                     1
Varese                    Ionisation                                 1
Varese                    Poeme electronique                         1
Vaughan Williams          Job: A Masque for Dancing                  1
Vaughan Williams          Serenade to Music                          1
Vaughan Williams          Sym 4                                      1
Vaughan Williams          Sym 6                                      1
Vierne                    Meditations sur l'Apocalypse               1
Weill / Brecht            Threepenny Opera                           1
Williams                  Music to Star Wars                         1

I suppose what emerges most of all from this is the great variety of what
CM people understand as "typical" of the last century.  No doubt it will
all look clearer in another 50 years or so.

Perhaps the scale of the response to this poll suggests that I might take
next year, or even longer, off from this self-imposed task.  Comments will
be appreciated.

Ian Crisp
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