Ononadoga county will begin spraying Anvil tonight from 9 till 3. On contact
by phone they were sympathetic to beekeepers. On request they won't spray
near apiaries and say they have pin pointed those who have voiced concern.
For info on areas to be sprayed call the NewsLine at 472-2111 and enter
category 6071. For the health dept. call 435-6618. Spraying in Cayuga County
is uncertain as of yet but I've informed they have begun to recieve bids for
spraying and it is up to us to stay alert as to their intentions
, voice our concerns should the need arise. For those in Cayuga county the
Health Dept. no. is 253-1560. Stay abreast of the situation as they may not
give much lead time on their spraying leaving little time react. Ononadoga
County seems moe intune to our concern. Anvil will kill I enquired with the
Health Dept. officials.