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Print Reply
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 13:44:20 PST
Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
When Beethoven's Fidelio hs been dicussed on the list, it's largely been
in terms of the worth of the music and/or the political themes.  Having
noticed that a new Fidelio from Barenboim on Teldec will be available in
January, my interest in the recorded performances has increased.

I have the Harnoncourt, Haitink, Klemperer, and Mackerras rcordings.  I'm
also aware of recordings from Bernstein, Maazel, Davis, Solti, Furtwangler,
and Fricsay.  I listen to the opera once or twice a year, but have not
found it compelling (although I'd be hard pressed to say why).  Often, it's
a matter of simply not finding the particular performance which strikes to
the heart.  I haven't listened to the Klemperer for ages and should go back
to it.

So, I'm interested in your opinions concerning the recorded versions of
Fidelio you like best and least.  If necessary, I'll have to get all those
other versions and figure it out on my own.  BUT, a little help from you
folks would be well appreciated and likely cut down on my expenses.

Don Satz
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