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Tue, 7 Sep 1999 17:12:07 -0400
Roger Hecht <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
John Parker wrote:

>He then proceeds to use a lot of weasel words--even admitting to liking
>Mahler a lot and considering him a 'great composer-- so that even the most
>fanatical Mahler advocate would have a hard time finding the heart to
>incinerate him.

I always like to find ways to condemn something without bringing poor
animals into the argument.  It's not their fault I'm such a chicken.

But I *do* like Mahler a lot.  And the tone of your letter about liking the
less than great, while alluding that Mahler might fit in that category and
you love him anyway, leads me to think that you understand my point quite

>Well, the thread happens to be that well-worn one about "Most Overrated
>Composers", and it is hard to see from what Roger has written, how Mahler
>fills that bill.  I don't see any rush to promote Mahler to the ranks of
>musical god.

I guess I do.  It seems that there are two things a conductor has to do
to become thought of as a major recording figure: record the complete
symphonies of Beethoven and record the complete symphonies of Mahler.  It's
a rite of passage (and a reason we get so many lousy Beethoven and Mahler
recordings--so many good ones too, I guess).  Check out the stores.  There
are tons of Mahler recordings.  Then again, maybe it's because I know so
many Mahler lovers and live in a city, Boston, where Mahler concerts led
by Ben Zander are, pardon the pun, almost Zen experiences.  Ditto Mahler
played by the BSO.  These are always treated as major events around here.
(In the musical world, anyway.  They're not Red Sox games.) It's amazing,
too, how often orchestras tour with Mahler.  I've lost track of how many
times I've heard the Fifth live--often at concerts of touring orchestras
or concerts where I was visiting someplace.  Hey, the guy is played a lot,
partly, I'm sure, because he was such a great writer for orchestra.  You
really get to strut your stuff with Mahler.  He's a blast to play, too.

>I *enjoy* Mahler more than just about any of his more exalted
>predecessors.  Bach...well, Bach is Bach and we dare not say anymore.  He
>is the Master and I will only dare to admit that as respectful and fond of
>his music as I am, I would go mad if I were stuck on the proverbial desert
>island and had only the complete works of J.S.  Bach for my musical

Good point which plays havoc with the whole greatest composer thing anyway.
I love a lot of music by composers not considered great.  It's what makes
this classical music thing so much fun: all this evil sensuality, rolling
around in all those extra sharps and flats.

>So where was I? Oh yes.  Overrated? No. I think the man has more than
>enough detractors to keep him from being exalted.

Guess I just don't know very many.

Roger Hecht