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Tue, 31 Aug 1999 05:52:39 PDT
Robin Newton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Bob Draper wrote:

>>I haven't seen this edition but I wonder how much space Wagenseil gets with
>>his massive output.
>>I think we can all guess who gets most space without even looking.  Shush,
>>you know who.

Dave Lampson replied:

>Are you seriously proposing that Wagenseil, as talented and prolific as he
>was, rates the same scope of coverage in a general reference work as

I don't think he was seriously proposing anything.  It seemed to me more of
a playful jibe - after all Stanley Sadie has a vested interest in Mozart.

I love your comments regarding the incredible effect Mozart continues to
have, especially that he merits great space in Grove:

>...because hundreds of thousands of professional and amateur musicians and
>composers have been compelled, persuaded, and inspired by his music over
>the last two centuries

Absolutely, but you then say:

>But it's ludicrous to advance that ones personal preferences should take
>precedence in the Newest Grove (or any other serious reference of its type)
>over the collected musical experience of millions.

But I think it is reasonable that Bob should expect Grove to reflect his
preferences.  He is, after all, on of those millions, and Grove exists
precisely for people like him.  If we were to be inundated with letters
saying we should devote less space to Mozart, then we would seriously
consider such a view.  As it is, most people don't comment for one reason
or another.  Bob's view deserves respect - as it is, Grove cannot reflect
his particular view, but that doesn't make it invalid.

>>Challenging Music's Paradigms
>In my experience those who would challenge paradigms without proposing
>workable alternatives are invariably tilting at windmills.  I seriously
>doubt that a successfully or effective challenge to any paradigm will arise
>with this quality of logic.

Bob's alternative is that Wagenseil has more space in Grove, and Mozart
has less.  He doesn't deserve to be derided for holding a particular view.
Logic wasn't even an issue:  Bob was entering into a philosophical debate,
or trying to prove anything; he had no need for logic.  Bob isn't on a big
crusade (so far as I know), he's simply looking at things from a different
angle.  No crime in that.

Robin Newton