I'm forwarding this for Cindy Peterson:
Please share the following with your students/employees/colleagues:
The Summer 2000 University of Iowa American Indian and Native Studies
Program/Department of Anthropology field school will focus on the
archaeology of the Fort Atkinson, Iowa area with emphasis on excavation at
two Winnebago Indian village sites and a nearby trading post.
The 1840 establishment of the Fort Atkinson military post and forced
relocation of the Winnebago from Wisconsin to the Neutral Ground (Winnebago
Subagency) created a short-lived but complex cultural landscape that
witnessed varied interactions between various native groups including
Winnebago, Meskwaki, and Sioux; these native groups and U.S. Military and
Subagency personnel; and subsequent post-military occupations of the Fort
Atkinson area.
As with our highly successful 1999 field school, the goal of the Summer
2000 field school is to train participants to conduct high-quality field
archaeology that specifically integrates issues of concern for local and
regional native peoples, descendant populations, and living communities. In
addition to training in field archaeology methods, participants will
interact with Indians and be involved in conducting historical archival
research in support of the archaeological investigations.
For more information and on-line application see:
or contact Larry Zimmerman ([log in to unmask])
or John Doershuk ([log in to unmask])
Kris Hirst
Office of the State Archaeologist
The University of Iowa
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