What the he-- is a "pom"? Is it: "post medievalists" or is it a dirty
Australian word for Brits?
I always consider the nomenclature in England - Post-Medieval Archaeology
and Industrial Archaeology (both as subfields of Historical Archaeology)
- to be logical and fine with Post-Medeival Archaeology covering ca. the
Tudor Dynasty to industrailization.
Of course in Australia full history only starts when the American forces
arrive in 1942 and save the day.
Robert L. Schuyler
P.S. Australasian (like in the Australasian Soceity for Historical
Archaeology [ASHA - formerly Australian Society for Historical
Archaeology]), by the way, does not mean Australia is a Prefecture of
Japan but rather Australia + New Zealand and a few adjacent islands. I
was in Sydney (along with Mary Beaudry and Pat Martin) when the name
change took place and tried to warn our Aussie friends what the rest of
the world would think.
P.P.S. I do like the new cover of PMA but am too conservative not to miss
the original cover. What a clash on the library shelf. It is also
encouraging that someone besides Norm Barka and me subscribe to PMS
outside of Europe.