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Print Reply
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:20:54 PDT
Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Handel wrote the music to Rodrigo when he was only 22 years old, and it is
very fine music as well.  Virgin has released this 2-cd set directed by
Alan Curtis with IL Complesso Barocco.  The opera, without going into the
absurd details, is about what happens when a man does his woman wrong.
I'll address the recorded sound, the music, and the performance:

a.  The Music - The music is chock full of fine arias, not superb music,
but a little better than Handel's average which is very good.

b.  The Recorded Sound - After listening to the 1st disc, I was disgusted
with the sound: very dry, raspy, and soloists sounding as if they were in
an echo chamber.  But, I then noticed that my "mono" button was activated;
I'll blame my grandson.  I sure felt like a jerk.  After making the
necessary technical correction, the sound was superb - rich and crisp (the
best that period instrument performances have to offer).  It couldn't have
been better.

c.  The Performance - Direction and flow are excellent.  Each of the
soloists is at least admirable.  One, Sandrine Piau, has a voice which
melts my heart every time I hear her.  I first became aware of her from
an Opus 111 disc of Handel arias; she's better now than she was then, and
that's saying something.  If I was single I'd contact her.  As it is, I'lll
just have to wait for her to call me.  Maybe she would sing to me over the

Summing up, we have in Rodrigo some very good music, superb sound, and
very good performances.  Hell, the set is worth every penny just to hear
Sandrine.  It's funny how the female singers I love to listen to all have
sensual first names.  Well, I'm getting off track and it feels good.

Don Satz
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