Gerald F Pillay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Love the sound of the "countertenor" voice. I think we had one in St
>Joseph's (PM) Choir, in the 1950s. He sang with the sopranos (boys in
>those days). Would like to own a CD of a countertenor. Could someone
>kindly recommend?
Royal Odes and Welcome Songs Volume 1 (I think) Hyperion CDA66314 for
Baroque countertenors (Bowman and Chance the best!!!)
Geoffrey Burgeon CDC 7497622 *Bowman and Charles Brett) contempory music.
Falsetto implies singing through an unnatural voice - countertenor is a
focussed use of head voice. I sing high tenor and sing many countertenor
roles in my chest voice. True countertenors sing in their head voice.
There is a book issued - the Art of the Countertenor. Amazon may have it.
Best wishes
Nicholas J Roberts
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