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Print Reply
Thom Gandet <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:06:41 -0700
text/plain (39 lines)
I am very pleased to announce the formation of the Alan Pettersson
Society and to extend an invite to you to join.  The Society will be
encouraging performances and study of Pettersson's music in the United
States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and other
British Commonwealth Countries, and providing translations of published,
non-English language, European writings.  Our Web home page may be found
at, where you can find
more information about the Society's purposes and goals, as well as links
to other Pettersson-related sites.

You can become a member and subscribe to the Allan Pettersson
Society moderated discussion mailing list by sending an e-mail message
consisting of the text "subscribe" in the subject line of your message to
[log in to unmask]  The list server will send an
automatic reply confirming your subscription and including instructions on
submitting articles for possible inclusion in the List.  I will send out
the first issue during the first week in May, and subsequent issues as new
material becomes available.

I am currently hosting the Allan Pettersson Society Web pages, serving
as Society President, and may also initially edit/publish the Allan
Pettersson Journal.  The immediate goals for the Society are to establish
the discussion mailing list, draw up a set of by-laws, and incorporate
in the US (and perhaps elsewhere) as a nonprofit organization. I would
especially like to hear from potential Board of Directors members,
particularly those who may have experience with nonprofit incorporation
and copyright issues.

Pettersson enthusiasts and scholars everywhere are extended a cordial
invitation to join.  I welcome your comments and suggestions and hope
you will join what promises to be an exciting project!


Thom Gandet
The Allan Pettersson Society
PO Box 77021
Tucson, AZ  85703-7021  USA