Nate DeMaria wrote:
>I am looking for stores or clubs on the internet where I can buy CD's
>cheaply. I don't have loads of money to buy $16 cds from local stores,
>and I want to expand my music collection. Where should I go to buy
>classical CD's?
There are the usual suspects. CDconnection, CDnow, AMazon, Tower. But if
you live in a big city, do try the used record/and or CD stores. Or hit
them when you do visit the big city. (There is nothing so useful as the
Yellow Pages for that.) Where I live there are many used stores, and I buy
most of my ersatz full-priced CDs this way. And keep an eye on Naxos and
Arte-Nova's $5 discs. They're mentioned often on this list.
Roger Hecht