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HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
"Robert L. Schuyler" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 18 May 2001 17:44:11 -0400
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (442 lines)
The SHA is in an unusual situation as a major scholarly organization.
Although the SHA is the second largest association of anthropological
archaeologists in the world, its 1900 individual membership (which has
been static for over 15 years) does not give the society economies of
scale. The SHA income just covers basic expenses and these (especially
postage and paper-printing costs) are about to go up. SHA pays its
Office Manager and one copy editor (basically an honorarium). It has
never paid any officer nor the Newsletter Editor, nor the Journal
Editor nor the Secretary-Treasurer nor any member of the annual
conference committee or anyone else.

This situation is not going to change unless the current membership
can be doubled or tripled and that is impossible. So, unlike the
SAA (6,500 members) or the AAA (over 10,000) members, the SHA has
certain characteristics of a major international organization (e.g.
its significance, impact and centrality to historical archaeology)
while at the same time characteristics of a local organization  -
especially the absolute necessity to be run via voluntarism. Without
volunteers like Norm Barka (almost 20 years in office), Ron Michael
(a quarter of a century) or Teff Rodeffer (also a quarter of a
century) and many others with five or ten years of service in smaller
posts SHA can not survive.

        I hope that SHA members, especially younger members, understand
this situation and why it is so important that they follow tradition
and also volunteer for offices and tasks vital to the society. John Cotter
did not ask in Janaury 1968 when he put the first issue of our
new journal in his VW bug and drove it down from Philadelphia to
Williamsburg to hand out to the members (so as to save postage)who was
going to pay him. SHA would love to pay all its officers and work horses a
full stipend. It is not happening now and will not be happening in the
future. The numbers are not there.

                                Robert L. Schuyler
                                Active SHA Member

P.S. Do not forget that we are getting late in this Nomination Cycle
for the John L. Cotter Award (June 30th deadline).

At 04:32 PM 5/18/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
>this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
>Content-Type: text/plain;
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>Many years back, I helped Dr. Barka by doing "one" issue of this editing
>job.  I can attest that it is a non-paying, and relatively thankless job.  I
>have no idea why the Society hasn't paid Dr. Barka for all of his countless
>hours of hard work and dedication he has contributed along with his
>secretary to making the Newsletter what it is today.  He will be a tough act
>to follow, so whomever thinks they can do it, and do it without enumeration;
>I wish them a mountain of luck.  Don't forget, archaeologists are often some
>of the most difficult people to make deadlines, so give yourself plenty of
>cushion time!  No reason to paint you a rosy picture.  Perhaps, the Society
>needs to think about this job as one that should be paid!!!
>J. Mark Wittkofski
>Environmental Specialist II
>(804) 371-6867
>[log in to unmask]
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Society for Historical Archaeology [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 10:56 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>The current  SHA Newsletter Editor will resign his duties upon the selection
>of a new Newsletter Editor by the SHA Board of Directors.  Any SHA member
>interested in assuming this time consuming volunteer position should contact
>Norman F. Barka at Anthropology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg,
>VA 23187 or by email [log in to unmask] or via fax 757.221.1066.  Duties of the
>Newsletter Editor will include the following:  organize four issues of the
>SHA Newsletter per year and each issue could vary in length from c30 to c80
>pages; assemble news and information about historical archaeology worldwide
>in a consistent and timely fashion; appoint assistant editors and
>coordinators worldwide to gather information to be submitted to the
>Newsletter Editor; appoint and direct a copy editor; appoint and direct a
>graphic specialist who will do the final composition of each issue in
>Pagemaker 6; attend mid-year and January board meetings; chair the
>Newsletter Editorial Advisory Committee.
>The Newsletter Editor will need institutional/company financial and material
>support.  He/she will need a computer and printer, as well as a high quality
>scanner and access to E-mail and the Internet.  The institution/company may
>have to support a  person(s) to type and organize copy, a copy editor, and a
>graphics specialist.
>A person in the discipline is preferred.  All interested members should send
>a proposal addressing the points listed above plus a list of experience in
>historical archaeology, printing, graphics, newsletter or journal
>production, etc.  The deadline for proposals has been extended to 1 OCTOBER
>2001.  Submitted proposals may not be acknowledged prior to August due to
>the current Newsletter Editor's field schedule.
>Mike Rodeffer, RPA
>SHA Business Ofc
>PO Box 30446
>Tucson, AZ 85751-0446
>Tel:  520.886.8006
>Fax: 520.886.0182
>E-mail: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
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><body lang=3DEN-US style=3D'tab-interval:.5in'>
><div class=3DSection1>
><p class=3DMsoNormal><span class=3DEmailStyle16><font size=3D2 =
>color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span
>any years
>back, I helped Dr. Barka by doing &#8220;one&#8221; issue of this =
>editing job.<span
>style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>I can attest that it is a =
>and relatively thankless job.<span style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; =
>have no idea why the Society hasn&#8217;t paid Dr. Barka for all of his =
>hours of hard work and dedication he has contributed along with his =
>secretary to
>making the Newsletter what it is today. <span style=3D"mso-spacerun:
>yes">&nbsp;</span>He will be a tough act to follow, so whomever thinks =
>they can
>do it, and do it without enumeration; I wish them a mountain of =
>style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>Don&#8217;t forget, =
>archaeologists are often
>some of the most difficult people to make deadlines, so give yourself =
>plenty of
>cushion time!<span style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>No reason =
>to paint
>you a rosy picture.<span style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; =
></span>Perhaps, the
>Society needs to think about this job as one that should be =
><p class=3DMsoNormal><span class=3DEmailStyle16><font size=3D2 =
>color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span
>![if =
><p class=3DMsoNormal><span class=3DEmailStyle16><font size=3D2 =
>color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span
>![if =
><p class=3DMsoAutoSig><!--[if supportFields]><span =
>size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
>12.0pt;font-family:Arial'><span =
>style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp;</span>AUTOTEXTLIST \s &quot;E-mail=20
>Signature&quot; <span =
>size=3D2 color=3Dpurple><span =
>color:purple'>J. Mark Wittkofski<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
><p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Times New =
>style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;color:navy'>Environmental Specialist =
>color=3Dnavy><span =
><p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Times New =
>style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;color:navy'>VDOT</span></font><font =
><p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Times New =
>style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;color:navy'>(804) 371-6867</span></font><font
>color=3Dpurple><span =
><p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Times New =
>style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;color:navy'>[log in to unmask]</spa=
>color=3Dnavy><span =
><p class=3DMsoNormal><!--[if supportFields]><span =
>size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
>12.0pt;font-family:Arial'><span =
>class=3DEmailStyle16><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
>10.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial'><![if =
><p class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:.5in'><font size=3D2 =
>face=3DTahoma><span =
><b><span style=3D'font-weight:bold'>From:</span></b> Society for =
>Archaeology [mailto:[log in to unmask]]<br>
><b><span style=3D'font-weight:bold'>Sent:</span></b> Tuesday, May 15, =
>2001 10:56
><b><span style=3D'font-weight:bold'>To:</span></b> [log in to unmask]<br>
><b><span style=3D'font-weight:bold'>Subject:</span></b> SHA NEWSLETTER =
>POSITION OPEN</span></font></p>
><p class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:.5in'><font size=3D3 =
>face=3D"Times New Roman"><span
>style=3D'font-size:12.0pt'><![if =
><p class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:.5in'><b><font size=3D3 =
>face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
></span></font></b><font color=3Dblack><span style=3D'color:black'>The =
>SHA Newsletter Editor will resign his duties upon the selection of a =
>Newsletter Editor by the SHA Board of Directors.&nbsp; Any SHA member
>interested in assuming this <b><span style=3D'font-weight:bold'>time =
>volunteer position should contact Norman F. Barka at Anthropology, =
>College of
>William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187 or by email =
>color=3Dblue><span =
>style=3D'color:blue'>[log in to unmask]</span></font></u><font
>color=3Dblack><span style=3D'color:black'> or via fax =
>757.221.1066.&nbsp; Duties of
>the Newsletter Editor will include the following:&nbsp; organize four =
>issues of
>the SHA Newsletter per year and each issue could vary in length from =
>c30 to c80
>pages; assemble news and information about historical archaeology =
>worldwide in
>a consistent and timely fashion; appoint assistant editors and =
>worldwide to gather information to be submitted to the Newsletter =
>appoint and direct a copy editor; appoint and direct a graphic =
>specialist who
>will do the final composition of each issue in Pagemaker 6; attend =
>mid-year and
>January board meetings; chair the Newsletter Editorial Advisory =
>The Newsletter Editor will need institutional/company financial and =
>support.&nbsp; He/she will need a computer and printer, as well as a =
>quality scanner and access to E-mail and the Internet.&nbsp; The
>institution/company may have to support a&nbsp; person(s) to type and =
>copy, a copy editor, and a graphics specialist.<br>
>A person in the discipline is preferred.&nbsp; All interested members =
>send a proposal addressing the points listed above plus a list of =
>experience in
>historical archaeology, printing, graphics, newsletter or journal =
>etc.&nbsp; The deadline for proposals has been extended to <b><span
>style=3D'font-weight:bold'>1 OCTOBER 2001</span></b>.&nbsp; Submitted =
>may not be acknowledged prior to August due to the current Newsletter =
>field schedule. <br>
></span></font><tt><font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3D"MS Sans =
>style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"MS Sans Serif";color:black'>Mike =
>RPA</span></font></tt><font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3D"MS Sans =
>style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"MS Sans =
>"Courier New";mso-bidi-font-family:"Courier New";color:black'><br>
><tt><span style=3D'mso-ascii-font-family:"MS Sans =
>"MS Sans Serif"'>SHA Business Ofc</span></tt><br>
><tt><span style=3D'mso-ascii-font-family:"MS Sans =
>"MS Sans Serif"'>PO Box 30446</span></tt><br>
><tt><span style=3D'mso-ascii-font-family:"MS Sans =
>"MS Sans Serif"'>Tucson, AZ 85751-0446</span></tt><br>
><tt><span style=3D'mso-ascii-font-family:"MS Sans =
>"MS Sans Serif"'>Tel:&nbsp; 520.886.8006</span></tt><br>
><tt><span style=3D'mso-ascii-font-family:"MS Sans =
>"MS Sans Serif"'>Fax: 520.886.0182</span></tt><br>
><tt><span style=3D'mso-ascii-font-family:"MS Sans =
>"MS Sans Serif"'>E-mail: [log in to unmask] or =
>[log in to unmask]</span></tt></span></font><font
>color=3Dblack><span =
Robert L. Schuyler
University of Pennsylvania Museum
33rd & Spruce Streets
Philadelphia, PA l9l04-6324

Tel: (215) 898-6965
Fax: (215) 898-0657
[log in to unmask]