Heavily edited for content.
>Southwestern Archaeology, Inc. (SWA)
>"Got CALICHE?" Newsletter
>Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of the Greater Southwest!
>Wednesday February 14, 2001
>http://www0.mercurycenter.com:80/premium/local/docs/march13.htm Members of
>a displaced American Indian tribe say their ancestors deserve recognition
>for building and maintaining California's second mission, in Carmel, some
>230 years ago, but the Roman Catholic Church says the tribe is simply
>grasping at a way to win federal tribal status.
>http://uk.news.yahoo.com/010213/80/b1a1z.html Ruth Panes got "a bit of a
>shock" on making the discovery before bursting into laughter when she
>realised what it was. The unusual receptacle is around six-and-a-half
>inches (16 cm) long, hollow, and rendered with exact anatomical precision.
>Contact the Editor @ <[log in to unmask]> or 602.882.8025
>Send books, letter mail, and other media to:
>Southwestern Archaeology, Inc.
>PO Box 61203, Phoenix AZ, USA 85082-1203
>Please pass along technical and scientific writings, opinion pieces, timely
>news articles, and organizational information, activities and events that
>can be shared with our digital community.
>SWA invites you to redistribute SWA's "Got CALICHE?" Newsletter. Please
>redistribute " Got CALICHE ? " in it's entirety, or note that you have
>edited or clipped articles for retransmission.
>Free subscription @ <http://www.swanet.org/news.html>.
>Thanks for reading today's edition!
>Southwestern Archaeology, Inc. (SWA) - A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
>corporation dedicated to electronic potlatch and digital totemic increase
>rites that focus and multiply historic preservation activities in the
>Greater Southwest. Our goal is to create and promote the diverse
>micro-environments in which archaeologists can develop their talents and
>take the risks from which innovation and productivity arise.
Anita Cohen-Williams
CohWill Consulting
Search Engine Guru/SEO
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