> My advice for Buckfast aficionados is to
> requeen every year! And, that's sometime difficult because the 2nd
> generation gals are difficult to requeen---they kill her even with a Thurber
> long cage use.
Being one of those "aficionados" I have to say; if the bees don't behave
as expected, change your queen supplier! The Buckfast bees are no different
from other races (one can of course have a long discussion about if it's a real
race or not...) and should not turn aggressive after a supersedure. If your
Buckfast bees don't behave, the queens have probably been mated to
other non gentle stock. I have crossed Buckfast with Carniolan and Italian
without getting any problems. The first generation will be gentle, if both
queen and drones are from pure breed. Second generation things will start to
happen and the difference between colonies will show up.
P-O Gustafsson, Sweden
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