At 10:15 AM 6/23/97 -0600, Allen Dick wrote:
>> What is driving the US price down is all the Chinese honey being funneled
>> through Canadian packers and sold in the US as Canadian Honey.
>I would like to see some proof of this.
>It is my understanding, there has been a little bit of such (illegal)
>activity, but that it is quite minor in relation to the whole market and
>in its effects on price. Moreover such activity has been well
>investigated by the US commerce department.
It is my understanding that the US govenment was paying a subsity on honey
a few years ago.
Honduran honey was selling for $.50 a pound.
I know of a local honey expert phd. type that can identify the country of
origin by the pollen.
the test runs about $50... Texas A&M University..
He said that a number of people were trying to make money by selling
imported honey as US and it was their job to verify the honey was produced
as claimed...
Angel's Old Town HomeBrew
Beauty is in the hands of the beerholder!