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Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 13:23:46 -0800
Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Roy Nettlebeck <[log in to unmask]>
To: Michael Palmer <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (55 lines)
On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Michael Palmer wrote:
> Michael Palmer wrote:
> > Well, it's official. According to a study by Dr. Frank Eischen of the
> > Texas A&M University System, those Varroa mites in central Florida were
> > (are) resistant to fluvalinate. Wonderful. When is the next chemical
> > control scheduled to come on-line? Isn't formic acid in gel-packs
> > supposed to be ready soon? I think it's time ALL U.S. beekeepers got on
> > the horn and made some noise! Quit infighting about the National Honey
> > Board, honey imports, pesticide problems, packer-producer squabbles, and
> > a myriad of other seemingly important concerns, and GET REAL! This is
> > our biggest problem. Right now! It's gonna take all of us, screaming at
> > the top of our lungs, to get anyone in Washington to listen. Call
> > someone, call everyone. The squeaky wheel gets the grease! I don't guess
> > it will take long for the supermite to spread everywhere. Take you're
> > future into your own hands. Mike
> >     PS - hell of a time to send bees to central Florida for the first
> > time. Great timing Mike
 I go along with most of the above post.
  Pressure on Washington DC needs to be  focused to get anyone to wake up.
First, the USDA needs to have there server for E-mail overloaded. Everyone
straight to the point.The most lay people with any idea of biology knew
that you can't just use one product to control a pest like Varroa.You need
to alternate with other products, which cuts down the speed that
resistance becomes a problem.The USDA has to know that and they did not
act accordingly. They are working with beekeepers help, on a resistance
strain of honey bee.They published(USDA ARS Bee Research Lab) Dec. 4 ,1995
the work done by Dr. Schiff and Dr. Sheppard.Genetic differentiation in
queen breeding population of the western US.Through DNA testing from coast
to coast , there are only 8 familys of Honey Bees.Not a large gene pool to
work with.Thats known and it took 2 years to do the study.I have talked to
Dr. Steve Sheppard face to face in Nov  of last year. Remember that the
USDA is working for us.Put some pressure on them.
 Second, Your congressman is setting on the money that the USDA will come
back and tell us that they have to more with less.Thats a fact.Be very
liberal with your congressman about the food that he eats.Pollenation is
not just nice to have , its needed to get produce to market.They don't
need a long letter. Just one to the point with a few facts.Beekeepers are
always to layed back.( too many bee stings) When you write the letter ,
feel someone stepping on your toe.They are and wont get off until they are
pushed.This is a country , by the people and for the people. Let them know
that and they can be replaced.Not a bad idea to keep your note and let
know that when the beekeeping industry goes through another great lose of
bees do to Varroa , there name will be part of the problem.No profanity is
needed , just facts. Thank them for there help. We do have help back in
DC.They just need a wake up call.
My Nickle