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Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Vince Coppola <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 23:51:25 -0800
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Maybee I'm missing something here but I see no data at all. I do see
unfounded opinions and conclusions and some name dropping. I wonder what
conclusions Dr. Ericson came to? I wonder why feral colonies that
surely  build "natural" comb die from infections of AFB, T-mite, and
especially varroa mite? I wonder what proof Ms. Lusby has that tracheal
mites existed on North America before 1983? I wonder on what data the
1/3, 1/3, 1/3 estimate is based on? I wonder who those numbers down at
the bottom are suposed to impress?
        Newbees beware.
Robert E Butcher wrote:
> I believe it mite bee easier if I just typed it out, so here goes.
> Robert
> This is from The A BJ pages 837 and 838,test results on small comb 4.9.
>          On 11Sept. Dr. Eric H. Erickson, the director of theCarl Hayden
> Bee Research Facility in Tucson, Arizona, went with us to two bee
> locations, in unisolated areas, to test for both tracheal mites and
> varroa mites. Samples taken in the center of the brood nest also
> contained drones where possible. We choose unisolated locations because
> we wanted to show him, to beat the problem, one must be able to
> accomplish business as normal in doing bee management within the field.
> Please note that beekeepers around us have severely lost bees, as we
> ourselves have, to both mites over the years. When taken, several
> adjacent  yards within 2 miles were being treated, crashing, or being fed
> to keep them alive.Our bees were building; and the Carmen yard were very
> fast drawing new foundation.
>          We began putting the 4.9 cm cell size in hives in May. We did a
> second round the end of June and did a third round ending Labor Day. The
> Carmen yard we took samples from was worked Labor Day  along with the
> Knight location. The Carmen yard had been drawing wax and averaged4-8 or
> more frames per colony drawn. A few colonies had a full box (10 frames)
> drawn.The Knight location had less than 3 frames drawn on average and
> most brood laying was on 5.0 cm comb. Both yards still had 2-3 (3-Carmen
> 2-Knight) one super hives (nucs) still laying on the larger Durigilt that
> refused to change. Note these one super hives are now dead,not having
> survived through to mid October. So much for Duragilt(5.44).
>           With smaller 4.9 cm comb which is still bigger than the 4.83 cm
> comb this country was founded on in the Southern latitudes,(Northern
> latitudes were founded on  4.9 cm to 5.0 cm sizes),we are now gettingour
> varroa populations down to field tolerant coexistant levels so we can
> mimic natural environment living conditions. Tracheal mite levels  are
> down there also, having regulated the mite back to external Vagan status,
> as was the norm conditionaround 1917 in our country, before we
> artificially mutated the bee's thorax and breathing tube bigger on the
> thorax to create  a parasite problem. At 0-6% tracheal mites, bees have
> no problem coexisting. At10-11%, varroa mites are on the cuff for
> trouble. In Southern ;atitudes in times of plenty they do fine; in times
> of dearth the bees do poorly and both requireconstant management to
> control secondary diseases.That is on 5.0 cm size comb.At 0-7% varroa
> mites, changing to 4.9 cmcomb sizing, bees draw wax well and hives
> nolonger require constant management to control secondary
> diseases.Business is back to normal for management in the field.We hope
> to cut percentages again this coming year 1998 as brood nests are
> continued with 4.9 cm comb and  all frames converted in our broodnests.
>          This shows breeding is not all the solution. We figure comb is
> 1/3, diet is 1/3 and breeding is 1/3. Comb must be put in by half (5) to
> full boxes to work.
>                                         Dee Lusby
>                                       Tucson Az.
>                                 HONEY BEE PARASITES FROM CARMEN
>        Colony #        # Bees         # Varroa       # Varroa/100 Bees
>            A                       175                 34
>     19.43
>            B                       186                 30
>     16.13
>            C                       161                 39
>     24.22
>            D                       186                   5
>         2.69
>            E                        157                   7
>          4.46
>            F                        183                 13
>         6.99
>            G                        169                 13
>        7.70
>            H                        148                  5
>         3.38
>            I                          187                  2
>           1.07
>            J                          149                 6
>          4.03
>            K                          185                 5
>         2.70
>            L                          164                 7
>          4.27
>           M                           188                7
>         3.72
>           N                           156                5
>         3.21
>           P                            163               8
>         4.91
>           Q                            179              17
>        9.50
> ____________________________________________
> Colony #        # Tracheal Mites              % Tracheal Mites
>      A                               0
>    0.00
>      B                               0
>    0.00
>      C                               0
>    0.00
>      D                               0
>    0.00
>      E                                1
>     3.33
>      F                                0
>     0.00
>      G                                1
>     3.33
>      H                                0
>     0.00
>      I                                  1
>       3.33
>      J                                 7
>    23.33
>      K                                 0
>      0.00
>      L                                  1
>       3.33
>      M                                  1
>      3.33
>      N                                  1
>      3.33
>      P                                  0
>       0.00
>      Q                                  2
>       6.67
> _______________________________________________________
>      Colony #          # Bees         # Varroa               #
> Varroa/100Bees
>           A                      165                  1
>               0.61
>           B                      186                 15
>              8.06
>           C                      142                 13
>              9.15
>           D                      177                 18
>             10.17
>           E                       168                 21
>              12.50
>           F                       184                 23
>               12.50
>           G                       171                26
>              15.20
>           H                       186                 9
>                  4.84
>            I                        181                 53
>                29.28
>           J                        200                 8
>                  4.00
>           K                        189                19
>               10.05
>           L                         182                 4
>                   2.20
>           M                        175                 23
>               13.14
> ______________________________________________________
>         Colony #          # Tracheal Mites               % Tracheal Mites
>             A                                2
>             6.67
>             B                                3
>           10.00
>             C                               0
>             0.00
>             D                                0
>             0.00
>             E                                0
>              0.00
>             F                                 0
>               0.00
>             G                                 5
>             16.67
>             H                                 8
>             26.67
>             I                                   0
>                  0.00
>             J                                   4
>              13.33
>             K                                  2
>                6.67
>             L                                   1
>                 3.33
>            M                                    1
>                3.33
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _____________________________________________________________________
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