>> I'm curious about the various techniques used when decapping
frames with
>> a decapping fork. I had always assummed that one just scratched the
>> with the points to the fork. However the first person I saw using one was
>> "shoveling" the capping by sliding the fork tines under the cappings and
>> lifting.
>I have tried the shoveling method and I don't like it. You have to be
>careful to get the angle just right or it digs in. If you drag the fork
>across the comb it works just as well and the operation is completely
>Donald Aitken
While it does take a bit of practice, the "shovelling" method is less
damaging on the combs. The scratching method cuts slices in the cappings
and may not let all the honey out also) , but rips the walls of the comb
apart and just wastes the bees time and energy.
Ian Watson [log in to unmask]
real estate agent gardener baritone
beekeeper---> 11 colonies and counting