Greetings:I received this message and I am hoping someone can help me I.D.
this "bee"
Was it the midnitebee?:))
> Subject: bee identification
> Date: Friday, February 28, 1997 8:17 PM
> Hi! Maybe you can help? We live in Penna. Last year we had some large
> visit us. They were probably at least an 1" long. The size was amazing to
> as well as the fact that we would see them mostly at night on our back
> buzzing the lights like a moth. Although they were very scary they never
> attacked us and eventually we stopped seeing them. They did not have fuzz
> their bodies. They were actually a pretty color. Kind of a rich rust
color. I
> saw one on vacation once on the skyline drive in WV. Do you have any
> I'd like to think they're not as dangerous as they look. If you could
> us we would appreciate it. If not, Thanks anyway!