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Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology


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Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Andy Nachbaur <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Jan 1997 05:04:00 GMT
WILD BEE'S BBS (209) 826-8107 LOS BANOS, CA
Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
>new to this list and/or computing I think I have a suggestion. What happened
>on another internet newsgroup in the alt.* class was certain of the
>'oldtimers' who posted regularly were asked to put together the top 25 most
>Frequently Asked Questions for the newsgroup and also a statement as to the
>groups purpose. Once compiled one 'regular' was charged with maintaining the
>'FAQ & Form' which was posted every 2 weeks to the list for all to read. Also
>the 'keeper' would e-mail a brief welcome and a copy to any new poster upon
>noting their first post. This might work here also. I haven't been here long
>so I will leave the 'acclamation of the new Keeper' to others if this becomes
>the consensus.
For those interested in keeping honey bees (PC) you all are welcome to
use the e-mail beekeeping faq responder at the Wild Bee's BBS. It alone
responded to 3600 requests for bee keeping information in 1996. The
system hold 150 separate text files and is supported by Wild Bee's BBS
and donations are always welcome.
(PC) Politically Correct<G>  ttul, the OLd Drone
        : WILD BEE'S BBS    Beekeeping Support BBS   209-826-8107    :
        : BEEKEEPING FAQ'S     Beekeeper's Helping Beekeepers        :
        :                                                            :
        : How to USE:                                                :
        :                                                            :
        : To receive a Beekeeping FAQ via E-MAIL, send a message to  :
        : to the FAQ name - For example, to get a copy   :
        : of this message, (WILDBEES.FAQ), send a internet E-MAIL    :
        : to: [log in to unmask] ..To get a copy of the INDEX   :
        : of APICULTURAL ISSUES AND ANSWERS newsletters (APINDEX)    :
        : you would send E-MAIL to: [log in to unmask]              :
        :                                                            :
        : Mail runs are 6am & 6pm, California time zone. The system  :
        : and nothing is required on the subject line or in the      :
        : message itself.                                            :
        :                                                            :
        : FAQ        (total FAQ's sent 1996  3600)     Last update   :
        : name          one per message                 * NEW        :
        : WILDBEES.FAQ   YOU ARE READING IT. Check it      06-01-96  :
        :                once a month for changes!                   :
        :                                                            :
        : THYMOL.TXT     Alternative Mite Control          08-28-96  :
        :                using natural oils. ****                    :
        :                                                            :
        : MYLIFE.TXT     The real story of the "killer bees"         :
        :                from the orginial reporter.       06-01-96  :
        :                                                            :
        : PETA.FAQ       This one is Unbeeleavable!        03-01-96  :
        :                                                            :
        : SOAP.TXT       How to make Beeswax Soap          01-26-96  :
        :                                                            :
        : SOURCE.TXT     Source of Info-Beekeeping Books   01-26-96  :
        :                                                            :
        : MEADLOVE.FAQ   Mead Lover FAQ                    11-21-95  :
        :                                                            :
        : HONEYPOP.TXT   100% Honey Pop recipes            10-30-95  :
        :                                                            :
        : YELLOJAC.TXT   Yellow Jacket control.             7-25-95  :
        :                                                            :
        : FORMIC.TXT     How to safely us FORMIC ACID    *  7-25-95  :
        :                                                            :
        : HINT.IND       INDEX of 30 different Beekeeping            :
        :                topics. From Malcolm T. Sanford.            :
        :                                                            :
        : BKEEPING.FAQ   HOW TO FIND IT ON THE INTERNET,    5-01-95  :
        :                Adam Finkelstein's Beekeeping FAQ           :
        :                                                            :
        : SUNSITE.FAQ    ARCHIVES of Internet Beekeeping    5-01-95  :
        :                news group and list mail, & more.           :
        :                                                            :
        : APINDEX        INDEX of Apricultural "Issues and           :
        :                Answers" APIS from Florida Extension        :
        :                                                            :
        : HEALING.BIB    HONEY & Healing, Bibliography      3-18-95  :
        :                                                            :
        : MEAD.FAQ       HOW TO find information on making           :
        :                HONEY MEAD. The drink of the God's!         :
        :                                                            :
        : WNHUB.LST      Wild Net hub list, Pick up the BEE-NET      :
        :                Conference from 1 of 700 bbs's in your area :
        :                                                            :
        : FSHEET11.TXT   US Beekeeping FAQ sheet from USDA           :
        :                                                            :
        : SADBEES       1st Beekeeper Alarm on Bee Virus losses      :
        :               to US bee's, a must read.                    :
        :                                                            :
        : ALL HINT's & APIS NEWSLETTERS courtesy of Malcolm T.       :
        : Sanford, Extension Service University of Florida.          :
        : BEENET.COM and the WILD BEE'S BBS (sm) are   *FREE*        :
        : Information Services for Beekeepers and Friends. SYSOP     :
        : [log in to unmask], dial up (209) 826-8107 28.8 bd,  :
        : 8N1, 24 hrs since 1990.                                    :
 ~  ~ ... Where the bee sucks, there suck I;
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~