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Joseph Radman <[log in to unmask]>
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Tue, 4 Mar 1997 16:42:59 -0600
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>           March 4, 1997
>           Hulk of Blackbeard's Flagship Believed to Have
>           Been Found
>           By WILLIAM J. BROAD
>           [H] e was an ogre, tall, bloodthirsty, strong,
>               with a booming voice, a savage appetite and a
>           bushy black beard that hung down to his belly.
>           Edward Teach, known as Blackbeard, was one of
>           history's most famous and cruel pirates, a man who
>           apparently loved torturing his victims as much as
>           he loved a drunken orgy.
>           Sailing from a base in North Carolina, he sacked
>           and pillaged the Carolinas and the Caribbean
>           during the golden age of piracy, directing a large
>           fleet as well as his own flagship, a captured
>           French merchantman that he packed with 40 guns.
>           His bloody rampage was interrupted temporarily
>           when his flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge, sank in
>           June 1718 off the coast of Beaufort, N.C.,
>           seemingly lost to history with whatever cannons,
>           cutlasses and plunder it may have carried.
>           Blackbeard and his men escaped.
>           Now, a team of marine archaeologists from a
>           private company and the state of North Carolina
>           have found what they believe to be the shattered
>           hulk of Blackbeard's flagship lying off Beaufort
>           in a watery graveyard strewn with hundreds of lost
>           ships. On Monday in Raleigh they announced the
>           discovery, which was made in November after a
>           decade-long search.
>           The archaeologists said the wreck had already
>           yielded a foot-tall bronze bell, the brass barrel
>           of a blunderbuss, a cannonball and a lead sounding
>           weight. They said the big anchors and large number
>           of cannons at the site strongly suggested that the
>           ship is in fact the Queen Anne's Revenge, though
>           positive identification has yet to be made.
>           "I'm 90 percent convinced this is the ship," Dr.
>           Richard Lawrence, the underwater archaeologist for
>           the state of North Carolina, said in an interview.
>           "It all just falls into place -- the date on the
>           bell, the blunderbuss, the cannon that we've
>           observed, the lack of any other candidate in this
>           area. The ship is right where it should be."
>           Proving its identity might take four or five
>           years, Lawrence said. No matter what, the experts
>           plan to excavate the ship as an archaeological
>           monument, putting its artifacts in a museum rather
>           than selling them.
>           "It's a significant discovery," said Dr. Jeffrey
>           Crow, director of the Division of Archives and
>           History in the North Carolina Department of
>           Cultural Resources, which oversees the underwater
>           archaeology work. "Everything points to it being
>           associated with Blackbeard."
>           But, he said, no matter what its identity, the
>           ship is old enough and well enough preserved to
>           make it "the most important underwater archaeology
>           discovery since the U.S.S. Monitor," a Union
>           ironclad that fought a famous Civil War battle in
>           1862 and was found in 1973.
>           Although lost treasure figures prominently in the
>           Blackbeard legend, the experts said no booty was
>           likely to be found if the ship proves to be
>           Blackbeard's. Historical records suggest he took
>           any treasure with him before the ship sank.
>           Still, they said the find was historically
>           exciting because only one other pirate ship had
>           ever come to light: the Whydah, the ship of Samuel
>           (Black Sam) Bellamy, which sank off Cape Cod,
>           Mass., in 1717. The new discovery is thus seen as
>           likely to shed light on an era whose history is
>           riddled with myths and distortions.
>           The sunken ship believed to be Blackbeard's lies
>           less than two miles off the North Carolina coast
>           in 20 feet of water. The area off North Carolina
>           is often referred to as the Graveyard of the
>           Atlantic because the sea bed there is littered
>           with hundreds of vessels lost over the centuries.
>           The state is keeping the exact site of the wreck a
>           secret because of the risk of plunder by modern
>           pirates.
>           "It's in surprisingly good shape," Lawrence said
>           of the sunken ship. "We saw some evidence of
>           wooden hull structure, and hopefully there's a
>           good deal of that remaining.
>           "To us, that's as important as the artifacts. The
>           hull might shed light on the historical accounts
>           of this ship and teach us things about
>           shipbuilding in the early 18th century that aren't
>           recorded anywhere else."
>           In the last decade or two, technological advances
>           have opened much of the secretive sea to divers
>           and robots, resulting numerous discoveries. The
>           wreck believed to be the Queen Anne's Revenge was
>           found after a hunt begun in 1986 by Philip
>           Masters, who now heads Intersal, a company in Boca
>           Raton, Fla., that searches for historic
>           shipwrecks.
>           "It's taken a lot of hard work," Masters said of
>           the discovery in an interview. "We spent hundreds
>           of thousands of dollars over the decade, and we
>           finally got lucky."
>           Blackbeard unleashed his reign of terror from 1716
>           to 1718 in the Caribbean and along the Atlantic
>           coast of North America. Apparently he turned to
>           piracy after a career as a privateer working for
>           Britain during the War of the Spanish Succession,
>           which lasted from 1701 to 1713.
>           Sailing from North Carolina (with whose governor
>           he quietly shared his booty), Blackbeard attacked
>           the coastal settlements of Virginia and the
>           Carolinas. An 18th-century writer called him a
>           "meteor" that "frightened America more than any
>           comet." He also ventured throughout the Caribbean,
>           capturing many ships and building a large fleet.
>           "Many who knew him thought him insane," Frank
>           Sherry said in "Raiders and Rebels," a 1986 book
>           about pirates. Sherry said Blackbeard was happy to
>           cow his victims with acts of outrageous terror. It
>           is said that on one occasion he forced a captive
>           to eat his own ears.
>           In May 1718 Blackbeard blockaded the harbor at
>           Charleston, S.C., for a week, with Queen Anne's
>           Revenge in the lead. In June, while coming up the
>           coast after the action, the flagship ran aground
>           on a sandbar as it tried to enter Beaufort Inlet.
>           Eventually it sank, although Blackbeard is thought
>           to have taken whatever booty was on the ship with
>           him.
>           After a spell of drunken debauchery and feasting
>           on Ocracoke Island off the tip of Cape Hatteras,
>           Blackbeard was set upon by a force of British
>           troops sent from Virginia, who killed him on Nov.
>           22, 1718, during a bloody engagement. The famous
>           pirate was beheaded, and the victors hung his head
>           from the bowsprit of a conquering ship.
>           Masters began his hunt for the lost flagship in
>           1986, and early in 1987, in the rare-book room of
>           the New York Public Library, he found what he
>           characterized as the key to the wreck's location.
>           In an appendix to a 1719 book about a pirate
>           trial, he found details of the sinking of Queen
>           Anne's Revenge.
>           Through eight square miles of seawater off
>           Beaufort, the searchers towed an underwater device
>           meant to detect large concentrations of metal --
>           in this case, the old cannons. Nothing looked
>           right until last November. Indications of heavy
>           metallic objects were confirmed by scuba divers on
>           Nov. 21, and state archaeologists came out to the
>           site the next day to inspect the sprawling wreck.
>           The bronze bell that was hauled up to the surface
>           is inscribed with the date 1709, which
>           archaeologists feel is consistent with the known
>           history of the Queen Anne's Revenge.
>           The finders have set up the Maritime Research
>           Institute, a private, nonprofit corporation based
>           in North Carolina that is to lead the recovery
>           work. Surveying of the site might begin this
>           spring or summer, they said, adding that in theory
>           the whole ship might eventually be recovered from
>           the sea bed.
>           "It's feasible," said Lawrence, the underwater
>           archaeologist for the state. "But it's going to
>           take not only a lot of work but a lot of money."
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