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HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Loretta Neumann <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 14:18:26 GMT
Heritage Area Planners
text/plain (135 lines)
July 10, 1996
To:     American Cultural Resources Association and Interested Others
From:    Loretta Neumann and Kathleen Schamel, CEHP Incorporated
RE:     Senate Interior Mark Up
        The Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee is set to mark up the fiscal
year 1997 bill for Interior and Related Agencies on Friday afternoon.  On
behalf of ACRA, CEHP prepared personalized letters, signed by ACRA President
Chuck Niquette,  to all subcommittee members. We hand delivered packages
today that included the letter, information on ACRA, and an Advisory Council
fact sheet and annual report.  The packages should be in every subcommittee
member's office by 4 pm today.
        Constituents of subcommittee members (listed below -- we included the
relevant staff person's name too) who are able to should call your Senator as
soon as possible.  Ask to speak to the staffer, tell them why increased
funding for the Council is important. Be sure to mention that you are from
the Senator's state. (That's one nice thing about the Senate, you don't have
to worry about congressional districts!) You can make this phone call as
personal as you would like.
        We are looking for a champion on the subcommittee who will be will to offer
an amendment to a small increase in funding for the Council which is in the
midst of a reorganization because of reduced funds.  Ask if your Senator will
help us on this important issue. (We haven't identified one yet, so your call
could be critical!)
        Please let us know what kind of response you receive.  Following is the
letter we personalized to every member of the subcommittee.
The Honorable Slade Gorton, Chairman
Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee
127 Dirksen Senate Office Building
US Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Chairman Gorton:
        The American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) understands that the
members of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee will begin mark up of the
fiscal year 1997 bill for Interior and Related Agencies in the near future.
We are writing to urge you to maintain at least the levels of funding that
are contained in the House-passed bill for the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation, Historic Preservation Fund, and the cultural resource programs
for the Bureau of Land Management and the USDA Forest Service.
        ACRA was formed to promote the professional, ethical, and business practices
of the cultural resources industry, including all of its affiliated
disciplines. Our members work closely with federal land managers to research,
interpret, and protect the unique archaeological and historical sites on
public lands.  We also often work for other industries--the developers, the
miners, the timber companies, the road builders.
        We are especially concerned about sufficient funding for the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation and the Historic Preservation Fund.  Both
programs took substantial cuts last year.  We realize the constraints that
the tight budget allocations placed on your ability to increase programs.
If, however, additional funds become available, we strongly urge that you
restore some funds to these important programs.  Following highlights the
views of ACRA and our member firms.
        *Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
        ACRA supports $2.9 million for the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation, the amount the Council initially requested, which essentially
also covers uncontrollable rent and salary increases. The Council was created
as an independent federal agency by the National Historic Preservation Act of
1966 to advise the President and Congress on national historic preservation
matters and to direct the process established under Section 106 of the
National Historical Preservation Act to consider historic properties during
federal undertakings. The House level of $2.5 million would effectively
result in additional cuts over and above the one the Council received last
year. We feel strongly that the Council's ability to carry out its mandated
functions could be seriously compromised if funding is not restored.
        *Historic Preservation Fund
        ACRA also supports sufficient funding for the Historic Preservation Fund
which serves an important function in the national preservation program by
funding the State Historic Preservation Offices, tribal preservation programs
and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  The House appropriated
$36.47 million this year but again, this amount is a significant cut when
viewed in conjunction with the $1.6 million reduction last year.
        Lastly, we applaud the modest increases that the House included for the
cultural resource programs in the Bureau of Land Management and the USDA
Forest Service. We urge you to maintain at least $12.059 million for BLM's
cultural resource management budget to enable the agency to continue its
resource protection, visitor services, and Native American coordination and
consultation.  ACRA also urges you to maintain at least the House level of
$14.570 million for the Forest Service heritage program. This will enable the
Forest Service to continue its public programs, interpretation, and resource
protection efforts.
        In conclusion, ACRA believes that it is through the continued support of
your Committee that the federal agencies will be able to fulfill their
Congressionally-mandated requirements to protect the national heritage and,
thus, justify the trust placed in them by the American people.
                                                        Charles M. Niquette
Here are the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Members and their
staff persons. Remember any congressional office can be reached through the
US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121.
Slade Gorton (WA), Chairman - Cheri Cooper
Ted Stevens (AK) - Ann Macenerny
Thad Cochran (MS) - Tara Fern
Pete Domenici (NM) - Carol McGuire
Mark Hatfield (OR) - Martha Pattison
Conrad Burns (MT) - Lori Staley
Robert Bennett (UT) - Ricardo Valezquez
Connie Mack (FL) - Scott Barnhard
Robert Byrd (WV), Ranking Member - Sue Masica
J. Bennett Johnston (LA) - Dion Ponce
Patrick Leahy (VT) - J.P. Dowd
Dale Bumpers (AR) - Kara Finkler
Ernest Hollings (SC) - Joey Lesesne
Harry Reid (NV) - Jaime Ryan
Patty Murray (WA) - Marla Marvin
        Once again, thanks for your help on this!