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HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Tom Wheaton <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Jun 1995 18:33:23 -0400
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
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The following information about today's vote in the House Appropriation's
Subcommittee on the Interior was compiled by CEHP Incorporated for ACRA from
eye-witness accounts!!  Thanks to Kathleen Schamel who stood up for hours in
the back of the room to get us this info before UPS, Time and Reuters.
THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER YET.  This is going to be a long summer.  We will need
your continued support.  Again, thank you for everything you have done to get
involved and to get others involved.  No keeps numbers like these, but word
is that this last weeks effort represents the largest phone in campaign for a
cultural resources/historic preservation issue.  Keep up the good work.
 Maybe we can head'em of down the line.
Tom Wheaton
Exec. Direc. - ACRA
June 20, 1995
To: Tom Wheaton, American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA)
From: Loretta Neumann, CEHP Incorporated
Subject:  Report on House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Vote Today
 Following is a report by Kathleen Schamel on the appropriation
subcommittee's mark up today.  She was able to attend and hear the debate.
 The subcommittee voted NOT to increase funding for the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation. The bill now goes to the full Appropriations
Committee, which plans to take it up THIS THURSDAY, JUNE 22 (we just called
at 5:15 pm today and they have still not scheduled a time.  If you want to
check for yourself, you can reach them and ANY member of the Congress through
the Capitol switchboard--phone 202-224-3121.)
 It is critical that the archaeological and historic preservation community
call or fax your Representatives in the House and protest this action.  If
your Representative is on the Appropriations Committee, ask him/her to
reverse this decision and to provide sufficient funding to continue the work
of the Council. If your Representative is a Republican but not on the
committee, urge them to communicate your views to full Appropriations
Committee Chairman Bob Livingston (R-Louisiana). If a Democrat,  contact
ranking member David Obey (D-Wisconsin). A list of the members is at the end
of this message, along with a letter from a dozen national organizations,
which was hand delivered to all the members of the Appropriations Committee
June 19, 1995
The Honorable Bob Livingston, Chairman
Committee on Appropriations
H-218 Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Chairman Livingston:
 We have learned of the possible elimination of the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation in the fiscal year 1996 Appropriations for the
Department of the Interior and Related Agencies.  We are alarmed to hear that
the Congress would consider such drastic and short-sighted action.  Jointly,
our organizations represent thousands of professionals and advocates all over
the United States who support the national historic preservation program.  We
believe that the continuation of the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation is critical to preserve our nation's heritage.
 The Council was created as an independent Federal agency by the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966 to advise the President and Congress on
national historic preservation matters and to direct the process established
under Section 106 of the National Historical Preservation Act of protecting
historic properties from harm by Federal activities.  The Council has played
a significant and vital role in addressing major issues affecting
archeological resources and historic sites.  Here are some examples of how
the Council has been able to balance associated historic values with other
important public needs:
  Developing cost-effective ways to identify and consider archeological and
historical resources during project planning.  The Office of Surface Mining's
expansion of McKinley Mine, NM, and the Federal Highway Administration's
 construction through the Abbott Farm National Historic Landmark, NJ, are two
examples of such projects.
  Working with Federal agencies to better manage historical and archeological
resources under their jurisdiction.  The Council has worked closely with many
Federal agencies to streamline their Section 106 review process while
ensuring that historic properties receive consideration in the planning and
execution of agency activities.  Examples include the following agreements:
  --Agreements with the Department of Defense (DOD) for their Base
Realignment and Closure activities setting forth how historical and
archeological properties will be identified and managed on lands leaving the
jurisdiction of DOD.
 --Agreements with Department of Energy facilities, such as the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory in Tennessee, the Savannah River Site in South Carolina,
and the (now defunct) Superconducting Super Collider in Texas, on the
administration of  properties on land under Federal agency control.
  --Agreements with regions of the Forest Service regarding treatment of
archeological sites on National Forests.
  Increasing public education and outreach.  In Section 106 review, the
Council seeks to ensure that maximum public benefit results from the
archeological research conducted in advance of Federal activities.  To this
end, the Council has been a strong advocate of public education and
participation programs.
 We believe that elimination of the Council without a thoughtful examination
and plan for restructuring is premature and will cause more harm than good.
  The Council keeps the process moving and within boundaries.   Elimination
of the Council will throw the national preservation program into chaos.  It
will cause delays in projects and result in increased costs to industry.
 Federal and state agencies and local communities will also face greater
costs as well as increased litigation.  The private citizens will lose an
important safeguard that protects their property and interests.
 We urge you to reconsider this damaging proposal.  Enclosed is a fact sheet
that describes the Council and its activities.  If you need further
information, do not hesitate to contact our organizations.
(the following individuals and organizations signed this letter, listed in
American Cultural Resources Association
Charles M.  Niquette, President
(202) 293-1774
American Society of Landscape Architects
Betsy Cuthberton, Director Government Affairs
(202) 686-2752
Federal Preservation Forum
Francis Calabrese, President
(202) 331-9659
Keepers of the Treasures
Mary Stuart McCamy Irion, Coordinator
(202) 673-4207
National Coalition for Heritage Areas
A.  Elizabeth Watson, Chair
(301) 262-5064
National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers
Eric Hertfelder, Executive Director
(202) 624-5465
National Preservation Institute
Charles W. Sloan, Chairman
(202) 393-0038
Preservation Action
Nellie L. Longsworth, President
(202) 659-0916
Scenic America
Sally G.  Oldham, President
(202) 833-4300
Society for American Archaeology
Ralph Johnson, Executive Director
(202) 789-8200
Society for Historical Archaeology
Donna J. Seifert, President
(703) 354-9737
US Committee/International Council on Monuments and Sites
Gustavo Araoz, Executive Director
(202) 842-1866
                     House Committee on Appropriations
                           Room H-218 Capitol Building.
Majority (Republicans)
Livingston, Bob (R-LA) - Chairman
McDade, Joseph M.  (R-PA)
Myers, John T. (R-IN)
Young, C. W. (R-FL)
Regula, Ralph (R-OH)
Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
Porter, John E. (R-IL)
Rogers, Harold (R-KY)
Skeen, Joseph (R-NM)
Wolf, Frank R. (R-VA)
DeLay, Thomas (R-TX)
Kolbe, James T. (R-AZ)
Vucanovich, Barbara (R-NV)
Lightfoot, James R. (R-IA)
Packard, Ronald (R-CA)
Callahan, Sonny (R-AL)
Walsh, James T. (R-NY)
Taylor, Charles Hart (R-NC)
Hobson, David L. (R-OH)
Istook, Ernest Jim (R-OK)
Bonilla, Henry (R-TX)
Knollenberg, Joe (R-MI)
Miller, Dan (R-FL)
Dickey, Jay (R-AR)
Kingston, Jack (R-GA)
Riggs, Frank (R-CA)
Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ)
Wicker, Roger (R-MS)
Forbes, Michael (R-NY)
Nethercutt, George (R-WA)
Jim Bunn (R-OR)
Neumann, Mark (R-WI)
Minority (Democrats)
Obey, David R. (D-WI) - Ranking Minority Member
Yates, Sidney R. (D-IL)
Stokes, Louis (D-OH)
Bevill, Thomas (D-AL)
Murtha, John P. (D-PA)
Wilson, Charles (D-TX)
Dicks, Norman D. (D-WA)
Sabo, Martin O.  (D-MN)
Dixon, Julian C. (D-CA)
Fazio, Vic (D-CA)
Hefner, W. G. (D-NC)
Hoyer, Steny H. (D-MD)
Durbin, Richard J. (D-IL)
Coleman, Ronald D. (D-TX)
Mollohan, Alan B. (D-WV)
Chapman, Jim (D-TX)
Kaptur, Marcy (D-OH)
Skaggs, David E. (D-CO)
Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)
Visclosky, Peter J. (D-IN)
Foglietta, Thomas M. (D-PA)
Torres, Esteban E.  (D-CA)
Lowey, Nita M. (D-NY)
Thornton, Raymond (D-AR)