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Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Apr 1993 15:58:59 -0800
Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (292 lines)
subscribe bee-l
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Jeannine Armstrong
1101 Nipomo Ave Apt B
Los Osos Ca 93402
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From tengelha Sun Apr 11 19:21:49 1993
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From: tengelha (Tannika Kaline Engelhard)
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Subject: I hate computers!
To: BIO342-01
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1993 19:20:58 -0800 (PDT)
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Well, not all of the time. Just when it's Sunday night and I'm at the
library dealing with an unsocial object that can't tell me what the hell
I'm doing wrong!!!!!
From root Thu Apr 15 19:16:36 1993
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Subject: Lab 3 ftp
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Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 19:16:42 -0800 (PDT)
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Thursday, April 15, 1993.
More on ftp and Using Mac IP
ftp is a file interchange protocol to allow you to access a remote
computer for the purpose of exchanging files.
Two approaches to using ftp are:
1       log into your AIX account.
        run ftp
The disadvantage if that if you want to use the files that
you get with a mac or a pc, then you have to transfer the
files to your mac or pc.-- another step.
2       Use MacIp to run ftp.
MacIP is a software interface between Macintosh computers and
the Internet.  You can use both telnet and ftp from Mac-IP.
If you use ftp from Mac-IP, files can be saved directly onto
your floppy disk.
The Mac II computers in the front half of Room 105D and some
of the Mac SEUs in Room 102 of Building 12 (Academic
Computing Services general use labs) can communicate with the
Internet using MacIP.
(1) Using your AIX account and to make an anonymous ftp connection
with a remote host for the purpose of transferring files.
At the % prompt, enter
ftp (site) -----substitute the site to which you want to
connect for (site).  The site name
is on the same line as the ftp
e.g    ftp
        see your handout for a list of
possible ftp sites.
When you are prompted to login, enter anonymous.
When you are prompeted to enter a password, enter your emial
address as the password
         I would enter [log in to unmask]
When you have made a successful connection, the prompt
ftp> will be displayed.
You will need to use the following ftp commands.
pwd......print the name of the current (working) directory
ls....  .list the contents of this directory
cd       change directory (give directory name)
cd ..    move back up one directory level
status   display current settings
ascii    set up ftp to send an ascii file
binary   set up ftp to send binary files
get      get a file (give the name of the file)
quit     end the ftp session
Use the man command at the % prompt to get more information about
using ftp.
% man ftp
Accessing ftp this way has a major disadvantage: it is not
eacy to tell where you are nor which files are files and
which are directories.
Study this example and be sure you understand what is being done
before you attempt to use ftp from the AIX prompt.
This example shows you how to connect via anonymous ftp to a network
resource in the California State University Chancellor's office
In response to the "login" prompt, enter
In response to the "Password" prompt, enter
(your email address)
e.g. [log in to unmask]
When you have connected successfully as an anonymous user, the ftp>
prompt will prompt you to enter a command.
For a full list of ftp commands, enter
To display the current directory (so you can tell where you are), enter
Anytime that you are confused about where you are, you should enter pwd.
To list the files in a given directory, enter
Use the "cd" command (change directory) to move into another directory
(usually the upper most directory simply contains other directories).
e.g.    cd csunet
cd shared_files
Look for RreadmeS files which will have information about what is available
and how to transfer files.
Use the "get" command to transfer a file to your system.
get filename  -------- and type the name of the file exactly as it is
shown in the directory listing.  If you get a message that it is not a file
or that it cannot be transferred, it is probably another directory.
6. When finished and ready to terminate your ftp session with the remote
host, enter
(2) Using MacIP to make a an anonymous ftp connection to a remote
host for the purpose of obtaining files.
Start up the Mac.
Click QUIT to exit from the virus checking software.
Double-click on the Mac-IP folder to open it.
Double-click on the icon labeled Rto libraries.S
Make sure that you do not click on the Mac window at this
Select ftp from the Network menu
When the dialog box appears,
Type in the name of the ftp site that you want to connect to
in the box under Rhost nameS
Type anonymous in the login field.
Enter your email address as your password
[log in to unmask]
MacIP will list all the files in the current directory after you
successfully connect to the remote host -- the file names will be
listed in a scrolling directory on the right side of the ftp
Click on the RlongS button to get a full directory listing
telling you how big the files are, identifying any
directories (d at the start of the file permissions), and
when the files were created.
Click on the RshortS button to get back to the regular ftp
To change directories, you simply highlight the directory name and
click on the cd button above the scrolling list.
The scrolling directory on the left side of the ftp window will
display files in the current Mac folder on the current Mac disk.
Click on the Drive button to select your floppy disk for file
To transfer a file from the remote host to your floppy disk
Click to select the name of the file.
If necessary, use the ftp menu to select a file transfer
option (see below)
Click on the copy button.
The file will be transferred to your disk.
File transfer options:
.hqx or .sit or .txt or readme files
need to unstuff mac files
need to unzip or unarc pc files
.exe files
.sea files (self extracting)
Unix files:  files with a .Z or .tar extension need to be
uncompressed using the AIX uncompress command.
When using a remote ftp host for the first time, look for
readme files which have information about what is avaialble
and often contain suggestions on how to transfer files.
This information file was created using Microsoft Word, saved as a
text file, and transferred to AIX using Kermit on AIX and
Versaterm on the Mac.
Fred The BearUs sign was created using a font that was downloaded
Rosemary C. Bowker                            +
Instructional Computing Consultant            +
Biological Sciences                           +
California Polytechnic State University       +
San Luis Obispo CA 93402                      +
(805 ) 756 2616                               +
FAX (805) 756 1419                            +
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