We have mandatory beekeeper registration here in the province
of Québec. Every spring I write a cheque for about cad$20,
and fill out a questionnaire, which asks how many hives I had at
the start of winter, how many were viable at the end of winter,
whether they overwintered indoors or outdoors, why I think hives
died (if any died), how I treated for various problems and when
(a simple checklist), where my apiaries are located, and whether
I engage in honey sales, nuc sales, queen sales, and/or pollination.
I'm also supposed to keep a register of movements, that is, when
hives, nucs, or queens arrive into or leave my apiary.
In exchange, I receive various sorts of information throughout
the year, such as a summary of the situation on the "zombie fly",
where small hive beetles have been observed and what was done
(we're still mostly SHB-free, probably not for much longer), how
to report suspected pesticide kills, stats on winter hive survival
across the province, and so on.
As a hobby beekeeper, I find registration to be easy, inexpensive,
and useful. It's more complicated for migratory beeks, as there are
a lot of regulations about crossing interprovincial boundaries with bees.
Just another data point!
Anne, backyard beekeeper, Montreal.
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