Peter E said:
Have to say that I am horrified by suggestions that honey should be fed back to colonies other than to the one that produced it of course (but in that case why take it off them in the first place?). What is better way to spread disease.
I totally agree with Peter E. In Canadian Prairie we have to feed bees either sugar syrup or HF syrup (within spect) to winter bees. Most honey is canola honey and crystallizes in combs very fast. It becomes hard for bees to utilize. We don't see any measurable differences or effects after feeding either type of sugar on bee colonies performance and mortality. In fact if you rely on canola honey as feed for winter many colonies are dead from starvation despite honey is in the box.
The idea of feeding honey and Tylosin to protect bees is unacceptable idea. Why not prevent and treat if needed instead of infect and treat! We have been moving in the direction of implementing biosecurity principles in our management to reduce the introduction and spread of diseases based on reducing risks. This case of feeding honey is one of the best examples of high risk practice that should be stopped.
By the way Tylosin is only register for use in few countries and residues in honey is considered a violation. I know in the USA there is no MRL defined based on user pattern although It is registered. In Canada it is registered this year and an MRL is set for 200 ppb. Tylosin users should be careful it could hurt exporting their honey. If the importing country does not have MRL defined for Tylosin honey with Tylosin residues will be rejected in these countries.
Medhat Nasr
Edmonton Alberta Canada
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