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Tue, 12 Jun 2012 08:12:34 -0400
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Important question to ask is why excavate? why now?

The usual reasons permitting archeological work- endangered site, research 
potential etc....

if the group and property owner is beyond your control then the project 
could be considered a rescue one that is
rescuing it from those who could not conduct the research appropriately.

In this case rescue would permit intervention. if the organization will 
support academic research that would necessarily include artifact analysis, 

So with a robust multidimensional research design and adequate essential 
material attribute description of the artifacts the ultimate disposition of 
the artifacts should be of minimal concern.

One would argue for higher level curation  for diagnostic and important or 
endangered artifacts but by and large I would not be so concerned with where 
they go.

the main issue is adequate description of the artifacts. This must go well 
beyond sherd count and traditional primary function description.

In generally the way I look at historical societies is that without vetting 
and regulation they do more harm than good.  My local historical society in 
Anne Arundel county has been run by a pot hunter and doll collectors for 
years. Their intent is only to benefit from grants but to work around the 
regulations as much as possible. While quaint and good people such 
organizations need regulation before they are allowed to articulate with 
state agencies.
so the real answer to your problem is to reform the societies before they 
cause problems.

Conrad Bladey

-----Original Message----- 
From: Gaye
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 5:32 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Ethics Question

I am potentially facing a similar situation. A private landowners in Texas
is digging up an historic homestead on his property. However his heart is in
the right place and he wants to preserve history and create a local museum
on site, its why he brought the place. He would like an archaeologist to do
a dig (not so happy with being told that digging on his own is not such a
good idea). Is dead set against said archaeologist taking his artefacts
away. I was thinking of digitally recording the artefacts, quite possibly in
3D to take back to Australia with me as I have no desire to cart the actual
collection across the sea even if the owner would let me and I don't have
the time to spend a couple of years in Texas studying it.

I my case the owner is intending (as far as I know ) to keep the collection
together so the case is not entirely the same but I am wondering if a
similar solution would work for as a comprise for you and your owner?

-----Original Message-----
From: HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Mills,
Robin O
Sent: Tuesday, 12 June 2012 8:34 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Ethics Question

Dear Histarch,

I have been approached by a local historic society that is interested in
conducting an annual "dig". They want to do a real excavation, and want to
save appropriate data from the site, and thus are looking for appropriate
guidance on methods and what-not. Now, the site they propose digging is on
private land, so the artifacts that are dug up will belong to the landowner.
[Although Histarch members may come back with "Not necessarily so..." in
their neck of the woods, that is the case here].  This sounds all well and
good and potentially a win-win situation for all involved, except that the
local society is advertising that they want to divide up the artifacts after
the dig is over. The landowner keeps what he wants, the local museum would
get some, and those people that excavate would get some, too.  Mmm.....

Now, the dig WILL proceed whether I or anyone else from the archaeological
community is involved or not. And, legally, the landowner CAN do what he
wants with the artifacts; keep, give away, put in museum, whatever.

I think you all see the dilemma: I could take the high horse and not want to
be involved because of the ownership issue (i.e., as Dr. Jones so famously
said, "It belongs in a museum!").  Or, I can see the potential to salvage
information from a controlled dig (they want to put me in charge), and
hopefully engage and teach archaeological conservation and morals to all
those involved.

Part of me says "Run for the hills!".  However, I find the latter more
appealing, and potentially more rewarding for the resource in the long run,
but am interested in what the Histarch community has to say on the matter
before making a final decision.


Robin Mills
Bureau of Land Management
Fairbanks District Office, Alaska