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Loretta Neumann <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 27 Jul 1995 18:19:15 GMT
text/plain (137 lines)
To:     ACRA and  the archaeology/preservation community
From:   Loretta Neumann, CEHP Incorporated
Subject:        Senate Appropriations Committee
        Following is a letter that was hand delivered to the full Senate
Appropriations Committee this afternoon.  The Committee is set to meet
tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m.
        While we do not have high hopes that the funding will get increased along
the lines of our request, nevertheless we felt it important to let the
Committee know that the preservation community does support higher funding
levels for the State/Tribal programs and for the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation.  If you haven't called your Senator, it is not too late to call
first thing in the morning, and it would be especially helpful if he or he is
on the Appropriations Committee.
(202) 224-3121.
        After delivering the letter, we learned that the Interior Appropriations
Committee had also cut the Forest Service's heritage program to $13.1
million.  This is $900,000 less than the House approved, and the House had
already cut the program from $18 million in the Administration's budget
request to $14 million.   VERY SERIOUS CUTS.
        We will post the results of tomorrow's actions as soon as we know them.
        Interior Appropriations - Funds For Historic Preservation
                                                July 27, 1995
Honorable (name)
United States Senate
Washington DC 20515
Dear Senator (last name):
We are writing to express our concerns about funding for the Federal share of
the national preservation partnership in the fiscal 1996 appropriations for
the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies. We understand that the
measure will be taken up by the full Appropriations Committee tomorrow, July
While we appreciate the difficult choices you must make in determining the
level of funding for programs under your jurisdiction, we want to bring to
your attention to two matters that merit your attention and possible
reconsideration in the Committee. Following is the Senate Subcommittee level
compared to the level that passed the House (numbers are in millions):
Senate          House
$32.712         $34.4   Historic Preservation Fund: States/Local Governments, Tribes &
                                                Historic Black Colleges
        The Fund has been operating at a bare-bones level since funding for the
states was cut by 55% in 1981. While seemingly modest, a 5% cut is a major
one, especially with the state and tribal programs, as it will reduce the
level of non-federal matching funds, further endanger the ability of the
states to deliver the minimum federal preservation program to the public, and
cause a ripple effect down to the local communities that participate in the
program. State historic preservation offices identify historic places,
evaluate eligibility for the National Register, work with local communities,
help developers who seek tax credits for rehabilitating historic buildings,
assist Federal agencies in project planning and, importantly act as advisors
to private citizens working to preserve their communities.  Please restore
the funds to the $34.4 million level.
Senate          House
$  2.5          $3.063  Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
        The Council plays a pivotal role in the national preservation program,
overseeing the major Federal legal protective system for historic properties.
 The Interior Appropriations Subcommittee has suggested that the Council
offset its reduced funding through reimbursable agreements with benefiting
departments and agencies.  Although this approach may have value for the
future, we believe it needs to be examined first  by the authorizing
Committees to determine whether it is feasible and appropriate.  Please fund
the Council for fiscal 1996 at $3.063 million.
Historic preservation serves a national purpose that benefits everyone. Thank
you for supporting our requests.
American Cultural Resources Association
Charles M.  Niquette, President, (202) 293-1774
American Society of Landscape Architects
Betsy Cuthberton, Director, Government Affairs
(202) 686-2752
Keepers of the Treasures
Mary Stuart McCamy Irion, Coordinator
(202) 673-4207
National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History
Page Miller, Director, (202) 544-2422
National Conference of State Historic
Preservation Officers
Eric Hertfelder, Executive Director
(202) 624-5465
Following are the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee:
Call (202) 224-3121
Majority (Republicans)
Mark O. Hatfield, OR, Chairman
Ted Stevens, AK
Thad Cochran, MS
Arlen Specter, PA
Pete Domenici, NM
Phil Gramm, TX
Christopher Bond, MO
Slade Gorton, WA
Mitch McConnell, KY
Connie Mack, FL
Conrad Burns, MT
Richard C. Shelby, AL
James M. Jeffords, VT
Judd Gregg, NH
Robert Bennett, UT
Minority (Democrats):
Robert C. Byrd, WV, Ranking minority member
Daniel Inouye, HI
Ernest Hollings, SC
J. Bennett Johnston, LA
Patrick Leahy, VT
David Pryor, AR
Dale Bumpers, AR
Frank Lautenberg, NJ
Tom Harkin, IA
Barbara A. Mikulski, MD
Harry Reid, NV
Bob Kerrey, NE
Herb Kohl, WI
Patty Murray, WA
Diane Feinstein, CA