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"Dr. Richard Cassin" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Apr 1994 12:17:52 -0600
text/plain (154 lines)
The following might be helpful to those interested in GIS:
From: [log in to unmask] (Lisa Nyman)
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.gis
Subject: Pointer to FAQ was Re: Anonymous login, Re: Looking for the FAQ
Date: 18 Apr 1994 07:52:35 -0400
Organization: US Census Bureau
Lines: 138
Geographic Information Systems
Frequently Asked Questions  List (94-4-13)
What's in it and where to get it.
        To contribute to the FAQ, send mail to
                        [log in to unmask]
  The FAQ list is available via ftp AND mail:
    1. FTP
        The most current version is available
        via anonymous FTP at two locations:
        abraxas.adelphi.edu in the file /pub/gis/FAQ
        ftp.census.gov in the file /pub/geo/gis-faq.txt
    2. MAIL
        To get the FAQ in plain text (mail message > 100K),
        send a mail message to
        [log in to unmask]
        Content doesn't matter (null message is ok).
        If you wish to receive a gzip'ed and uuencoded version of the FAQ
        (about 50% compression), specify 'gzip' or 'gzipped'
        (case doesn't matter,
        only the first 4 characters are significant) on the 'Subject:'
        line of the message.
        Caveat: your mailer must supply a valid 'From:' return address.
        Send a mail message to [log in to unmask]  The subject of the message
        is irrelevant.  The command to receive the GIS FAQ is
        /send ./pub2/misc/gis.faq
        You can also include
        for detailed info about the server, and
        for a complete list of files available from the server.
        /limit nnn
        will break any server message into pieces nnn bytes in size.
        must appear before any /send commands.
        If you get no response to your request, put
        /address aaa
        at the beginning of your request, where aaa is your e-mail
        address (if /address is not present, the server tries to
        construct a return address; this is not always reliable).
        ftpmail:   <From: Curt Chapman>
        Send the following email message to [log in to unmask]:
        connect abraxas.adelphi.edu
        chunksize 100000
        chdir pub/gis
        get FAQ
        The ftpmail system will perform an anon ftp in your behalf, and email
        you the results. If the system is busy, it may take a day or two
for the
        FAQ to show up in your mail box.
        The "Subject:" of your ftpmail request will be used in all of ftpmail's
        responses to you.
        To obtain more information on ftpmail, send a request to the
mailer (at
        [log in to unmask]) with the word "help" as the subject and
        as the body of your message.
1.  Administration:
 1.1: How do I get the FAQ list?
 1.2: What is the difference between the newsgroup and listserv?
2.  Reasearch and Universities:
 2.1: What in the world is a 'GIS'?
 2.2: What colleges and universities offer coursework in GIS?
 2.3: What are the NCGIA anon ftp sites and what can be found there?
 2.4: Where is that On-Line GIS Bibliography (and what's in it)?
3.  Data Formats and Map Products:
 3.1: What are the United States map accuracy standards?
 3.2: What is the Vector Product Format and where can I get information?
 3.3: What is this SDTS thing and is it available via ftp?
 3.4: What is a DXF file and where can I get info about it?
 3.5: What is DEM?
 3.6: Where can I get information about TIGER/Line? I heard there is a
      terrific new and improved 1992 release...
 3.7: How do I order USGS maps?
 3.8: What is the Digital Chart of the World (DCW) and how do I get one?
 3.9: Is there a package available to convert FROM UTM to
4.  Other Sources of Information:
 4.1: What are some other related mailing lists, ftp sites and internet
      sources for useful resources?
 4.2: Hey! But how do I subscribe to GIS-L, MAP-L, etc?
 4.3: What are some books and magazines available on GIS?
 4.4: Where can I get a copy of the SpatioTemporal Bibliography?
 4.5: What professional organizations are out there for GISers?
 4.6: What are some journal titles which carry GIS articles?
 4.7: How can I subscribe to the Int'l Journal of GIS?
 4.8: What are some World Wide Web URLs for GIS information?
5.  Technobits:
 5.1: What are some algorithms for calculating the distance between 2 points?
 5.2: What is GPS?
6.  Software Issues
 6.1: What are e-mail and paper addresses of some vendors?
 6.2: What public domain or shareware GIS software is available and where is
 6.3: Will GRASS run under LINUX OS on my PC?
 6.4: How can I convert ARC files to IDRISI?
 6.5: How can I convert ARC coverages to GRASS?
 6.6: Where can I find some ALMs to look at?
 6.7: How can I conver ARC files to some other graphics formats?
Lisa Wolfisch Nyman  <[log in to unmask]>
Richard C. Cassin, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Ocean Sciences Research Institute
San Diego, CA. USA