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Richard Lundin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 26 May 2010 10:58:35 -0700
text/plain (265 lines)


Pardon my Cross-posting!




BUT, Work is NOT THAT SCARCE!!!!  CRM companies are not contacting and marketing the mineral, pipeline, utility, forestry and petroleum industry folks but are depending on governmental and academic “handouts”.   ACRA is trying to remedy this by getting the word out but I KNOW that archaeologists HATE the DARK SIDE of the extractive industries and have a hard time relating to these folks and, definitely, meeting THEIR needs.   


It takes the REAL KNOWLEDGE that ALL of us would naked, staving and probably, as a species, EXTINCT to be able to approach these industries with an appreciation of what they have accomplished and WANT to accomplish.  If  it wasn’t  for the extractive industries. Archaeology, as we know it, would most certainly not exist.  Mankind would have gone extinct 3.2 Million years ago IF they hadn’t discovered the use of very specialized lithic mineral materials and how to extract and prepare them.


If you don’t have a past, you don’t need to study it!  The ONLY REAL reason we study the past as archaeologists is to gain insights from it to enable us to make better decisions in the future.


The mineral industry in the Southwest and Intermountain west is “white hot” and archaeologists who have training under Don Hardesty’s UNR program are in demand.   The key is TRAINING. Cross-training in Archaeogeophysics, Airbourne Remote Sensing, Geology, Historical Archaeology of the Mineral Industry, Archaeochemical Laboratory and Field Techniques and Technologies is the PATH to the future of field archaeology.  This was abundantly pointed out to me by my international colleagues in Archaeoscience at the recent  SHA, SAA and ARCHAEOMETRY 2010 conferences.


One sector of governmental work is the DOD Legacy Program AND the DODUSACOE programs that are being well funded and NEED, good, well-trained, Archaeoscience technicians, who know how to do the work and get paid well for it.  


I bet that Steve De Vore and the NCPTT folks of the National Park Service could easily get many of the “shovel bums” trained in a short time and into high tech and better paying jobs.  


ANYONE who has questions on this should give me a call and I WILL give you FREE advice with NO OBLIGATION that WILL help you find a job in ARCHAEOSCIENCE!!!  Please feel free to call me at Wondjina Research Institute’s Sonora California Office number: (209) 532-3873




Richard J. Lundin BA, MA, RPA, ISAP

Director, Wondjina Research Institute


From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Stephanie Whittlesey
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 10:04 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: Shari Silverman
Subject: Re: [AAC-L] Tucson Field Archaeologists Needed




I've followed this discussion with interest. It seems to strike at what for me is the heart of the matter. As a competitive, for-profit industry, professional CRM companies are torn between their bottom line and the good of the resource and the public. I'm not at all sure these two are compatible. We see this particularly in the latest economic downturn, when work is scarce and we're all scrabbling for it. I really believe it is time to sit down and rethink our industry from the bottom up and develop inventive solutions to an industry-wide problem. AAC (forum, listserve, meetings) would be an appropriate venue for such discussions.  

----- Original Message ----- 

From: John Giacobbe <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  

To: [log in to unmask] 

Cc: Shari Silverman <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:40 AM

Subject: Re: [AAC-L] Tucson Field Archaeologists Needed



amen sister, you go girl!

John Giacobbe
Of No Where Important at the Moment

---- Shari Silverman <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 
> Hello! This has nothing to do with EcoPlan, as I have not seen their advertisement. However, I am extremely glad you brought this up. As an industry, we constantly undervalue ourselves, causing most companies to offer poverty level wages for employees who we need to be excellent and well educated. In addition, techs need, increasingly, to have their own expensive equipment. I see more and more shovelbums with their own Munsells and GPS units, because so many companies fall short on equipment (Again, this has nothing to do with EcoPlan...I know nothing of their Munsell or GPS situation). I would like to discuss how we get ourselves out of this situation professionwide. 
> We have already lost many good archaeologists from the profession, because (at least when I was a shovelbum) many (including me) lived in our cars. There was no way I could afford even substandard housing year-round.
> Have a good one!
> Shari Silverman, M.A. (anthropology), M.S. (geological engineering)
> --- On Fri, 5/21/10, Richard Lundin <[log in to unmask] <mailto:wondjina%40sonic.net> > wrote:
> From: Richard Lundin <[log in to unmask] <mailto:wondjina%40sonic.net> >
> Subject: [AAC-L] Tucson Field Archaeologists Needed
> To: [log in to unmask] <mailto:AAC-L%40yahoogroups.com> 
> Cc: "'C Brackett'" <[log in to unmask] <mailto:countrychemist%40yahoo.com> >
> Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 6:10 PM
> Dan: 
> ECOPLAN needs to pay archaeologists with an AA or BA  a
> living wage under the working conditions you describe. 
> What is being offering by ECOPLAN is insulting to the
> profession and below Federal guidelines for professional archaeological work. 
> If you had to bid the project that low to get the job, your
> client should be looking at the quality of the work.  
> Wondjina Research Institute routinely pays $25\hour plus per
> diem, housing and mileage for junior archaeologists to do archaeogeophysical
> and archaeochemical surveys  and we get good, qualified people who do good
> work AND we make a profit.   
> We have plenty of work for our mineral industry, utility and
> governmental clients who are very happy with our work. 
> So are our associates. 
> Sincerely, 
> Richard J. Lundin BA, MA, RPA, ISAP 
> Consulting Historical Archaeologist & Remote Sensing
> Specialist (Archaeogeophysics) 
> Director, Wondjina Research Institute 


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