I received a call from a local man who was looking for a beekeeper.
He had a young woman exchange student from South Africa staying with
his family. She had a very bad case of lip ulcers (mouth herpes?)
which had been treated several times by the local doctor with no
success. She claimed that in SA she used some medicine that came from
bees. Thus he contacted me. I questioned her and she said that it came
as an ointment.
My response was that it was probably propolis but I didn't know of
a source for the ointment. I usually use propolis when I get a sore
throat but I just chew the raw propolis. I Quickly went to my stored
supers and scraped about an ounce. I suggested just chewing/sucking
on a chunk and lipping the lips. Within three days all sores were
scabbed over and healed within a week.
Ed Weis, of Western Connecticut Beekeepers was working with a dentist
who was having success using propolis as a rinse to promot healing
following oral surgery.
Good luck. This was a response but I see there was no heading.
Sorry folks, especially those who use the headings to selectively sort
their mail.
+ Raymond J. Lackey +
+ Beekeeper 10 years with 25 colonies on Long Island, NY+
+ INTERNET: [log in to unmask] +
+ Mail: 1260 Walnut Avenue, Bohemia NY 11617 +
+ Home Phone: 516-567-1936 FAX: 516-262-8053 +