After writing my two volume and one guide book set on John Charles Linthicum
and his Wife Helen (a great reference for the origins of suburbia in the end
of reconstruction)
get your copy here:
I decided that after being out of it as a house husband parent for 21 years
and leaving everyone alone......things would have been better without
me....only to find nothing changed I would join the wondrous Anne
Arundelllllllle historical society. Join...the good people....
Does anyone have a cure for these groups of elitist perpetual banquet and
crab feast folks and their never ending treadmill of fund raising, way too
much power for unknowledgeable folks.
I was thinking that putting them on a reservation theme park of nice
antiques and perpetual fund raisers and banquets somewhere far out west
might be suitable.
Maybe someone has a suggestion. Trouble with mine is that it would just
create another archeological site.....I just wish they were harmless......