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Slagana Taseva <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Coalition WG on Coordination Committee <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:57:52 +0200
text/plain (1153 lines)
Hi Gillian

These are my thoughts:

In the part c. Roles and Responsibilities of the Membership

3. All members of the Coalition have voting rights on the basis of one 
Member one vote for member organizations

p.2 Members are entitled to vote in elections for the Coalition Coordination 

When we say members we mean CSO's and Individuals as in the Preamble.

Now we need to establish a principle:

- CSOs have right to vote as specified in p. 3

- Individual members have a representative in the Coordination Committee

- Individuals will have right to representation vote -eg. the member in the 

----these are existing provisions

        ---in follow we can think about:

- The representative in the Committee can be the Individual members 
representative and shall  have right to vote in their behalf.

- Individual members will agree on that when electing the member in the CC.

- agreement for the voting issue need to be achieved before the voting in a 
consultative process that need to be developed.

Why do we need to give NGOs 5 vote?? Isn't one vote enough?

Individual member representative should be able to vote for all issues, not 
only for individual members

Yes, they will have only one vote. Another option is to say on 10 individual 
members will have one vote. This is complicated because they will need to 
coordinate the decision and select one person who will submit the vote.

I don't see any problem if they will have one vote. It does not mean that 
they will be minority. It is an issue of convincing and explaining. They may 
have many NGOs thinking the same.

This are only my thoughts. I don't say that I'm 100% right.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gillian Dell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: REMINDER!!!: Coalition Constitutive Document

Hi Slagjana,
Thanks for that. Could you clarify still a little more? I assume you mean 
individuals have one vote in elections? In that case, would individuals have 
one vote ONLY for the "individual" candidate or could they use it for any 
candidate? And by comparison that means NGO voters would have 12 votes?

Also to consider--apart from elections there could also be votes on issues 
or statements etc. Perhaps on issues like this we could have a rule that 
NGOs have five votes and individuals have one vote. ???? What do you think?


From: Coalition WG on Coordination Committee on behalf of Slagana Taseva
Sent: Wed 13/10/2010 10:18
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: REMINDER!!!: Coalition Constitutive Document

Dear Gillian,

Just a short comment: I recommend that the Individual members will have
representative vote. Meaning one vote for the person who is already elected
as an individual members representative. Not all to have separate right to

Sorry if this was not clear enough in my comments.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gillian Dell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: REMINDER!!!: Coalition Constitutive Document

Dear all;
This is a reminder to please send your comments on the latest draft document
by cob today.

I'm also writing about two specific issues:

1. Individual members
Slagjana and highlighted a very important issue in the document: what
exactly should be the status of individual members? I would be grateful for
guidance on that. Myself I have concerns about give a single individual the
same vote as an organisation spending much time, effort and resources on
public interest work. At the same time I would like to welcome individuals
into the network.

2. Trade unions
Trade unions represent some of the most important social justice campaigning
organisations in the world--and largest in membership. Thus following
Tchiko's message I was wondering if we should reserve one international seat
for an international trade union representative. What do people think?



From: Coalition WG on Coordination Committee on behalf of mourad tchiko
Sent: Tue 12/10/2010 02:20
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: NEW DRAFT: Coalition Constitutive Document

Dear all

I have two proposals
01 - adding to the text the word unions so that we can win the confidence of
union organizations like ILO and PSI and CSI
The second proposal of work for more than one language is better for the
rest of pay


J'ai deux propositions
01 -  ajout au texte le mot  syndicats afin que nous puissions gagner la
confiance des organisations syndicale comme ISP et  CSI  et OIT
La deuxième proposition de travail de plus d'une langue est mieux pour le
reste des payer

TCHIKO Mourad / ALGERIA  /  syndicat "SNAPAP"  /Tel 00213550109903

--- En date de : Lun 11.10.10, Gillian Dell <[log in to unmask]> a écrit

De: Gillian Dell <[log in to unmask]>
Objet: Re: NEW DRAFT: Coalition Constitutive Document
À: [log in to unmask]
Date: Lundi 11 octobre 2010, 18h50

Dear all,
Many thanks for so many excellent inputs from so many working group members.
I have tried to capture them in the attached but there is undoubtedly room
for improvement in some of the formulations I introduced.

I had hoped to give a 24-hour comment time prior to circulating to the
Coalition. However, I think there are important new elements, including
towards the end of the document so that I suggest 2 more days. Thus, please
send any further comments by close of business Wednesday 13 October.

At the same time, if you have any concerns about this short deadline, please
do advise.

Looking forward to hearing from members of the working group in a last round
of feedback.
Best wishes,


From: sion assidon [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Fri 08/10/2010 13:38
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: Gillian Dell
Subject: Re: Coalition draft document -- next steps

Hi Gillian, Hi all,

Thanks to Gillian to summarize and capture
the substance of the contributions.

Change and stability :
I share the concern of Gillian that we need
a minimum of stability for the coming years.

Concerning the stability of the document :
That's why on the one hand, we try to issue a
Constitutive document that take in account
the foreseeable changes and on the other
hand should include the rule... for any
coming change of rule...

The rule to change Constitutive document :
I propose the following (it is a way of referendum):
The proposal of changes in the Constitutive Document that may arise
in the future should be endorsed at least by 10 members.
It will be then sufficient that two members of the Coordination
consider the proposal to be discussed by the Membership
to launch the debate on the proposal between the Members.
To become a decision, a proposal widely debated by the Membership
needs a positive vote of the majority of the Membership.

Concerning the stability of the organization
Instability may come from the status of the secretariat.
Several questions arised (they are linked) :
- some about the accountability of the secretariat
- some about the role and the place of TI in the Coalition

Something needs to be clarified first :
what kind of secretariat do we have ?
we are not - like many NGOs - a structure with
on the one hand the Membership and its elected organs
and on the other hand a team of professional supposed
executing the line decided by the Membership and its organ.

The secretariat in the Coalition is representing, till now, the
leadership of TI - it is a datum of the past and the
present. And TI is then in charge of the secretariat of
the coalition, secretariat understood in the current meaning.

Now that we are at a Constitutive step,
such a leadership needs to be recognized and legitimized
by a vote, with such a rule that open to any
candidate in the  future to carry out the task.
Taking the lead should be securing the secretariat,
in the current meaning.

So the rule may be that for the two coming years,
the secretariat is carried by TI,
subject to confirmation by adopting the
Constitutive document by the Membership.
After two years, any other NGO may be candidate for 2 years.

So the rule may be modified accordingly
The Coalition Secretariat will be secured by Transparency International
for the two coming years. Afterwards, the secretariat should be elected
by the Membership.

The Secretariat is accountable to the Coordination who represents
the Membership.

Concerning the weight of TI in the Membership and in the
I agree with Gillian, that it is a matter of fact
that part of the NCs of TI are very active in the Coalition and
are many because it is their field of activity.

But we don't forget that the NCs of TI are INDEPENDANT
NGOs, who are sharing principles (Vision/Mission/rules
of governance) but are independant
(in the limits of the shared principles) when designing their
national strategies.

Finally, making a rule concerning their participation in the Coordination
is not necessary.

Concerning the quorums, at least concerning the decisions of
the Membership, if any quorum, should be precised in the Constitutive

The quora concerning the way the Coordination makes its decision
may be precised in an ancillary document, subject to a vote of the

Sorry for this late contribution,

Best regards


      Thu, 07 Oct 2010 10:09:46 -0000, Jasper Cummeh <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi Gillian and all;
> Thanks for narrowing down all of the comments to the basic as you have
> done. I think most of what you have suggested is good, and perhaps all
> should no problem with it.
> My only wonder is having to renew the document in two years would mean
> that in case a member has a proposed amendment, that has to wait for two
> years? Although one would prefer a more stable document as opposed to an
> unstable one in terms of changes, nevertheless the opportunity to
> propose changes in the wake of problem(s) with implementation should be
> more fluid and and flexible. In that way one is not stuck with unwanted
> provisions simply because of formality.
> In constructing organic documents or contracts, there are always
> unforeseeable circumstances that are not obvious to the parties, and
> that would eventually be as soon as it begins to be operational,
> therefore the need for an amendment provision that spell out the
> process. I also firmly agree with you that quorum and other operational
> issues should be considered in ancillary documents, however, it would be
> advisable to reference the bodies that would make them. For an example,
> regarding the quorum for the Coordinating Committee, the power to make
> its own rules should be ascribed to it, with a provisional clause that
> such rules should not be contravening to the organic document, and so
> forth. And then the Coordinating Committee can then decide its rules.
> I am not too sure I saw a vivid description of the Coalition logo in the
> document, although I saw statements concerning its usage on the official
> documents. If it is not there, then in my opinion, it should be.
> Thanks once again for the hard work.
> Jasper
> --- On Thu, 10/7/10, Gillian Dell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> From: Gillian Dell <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Coalition draft document -- next steps
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 2:24 AM
> Dear colleagues,
> Here are some suggestions to address some of the issues raised:
> (1) Regarding the vision -- agree with Toby and Ifthekar steering us
> back to the "collective" and other wording that was originally in the
> text. I slimmed it down because I received comments that it looked bulky
> and complicated but this does not correspond to the feeling of the group.
> (2) We could say this document js renewable after two years. This would
> address the issue of the choice of secretariat as well as other
> organisational issues that we may want to pilot.  I feel its important
> to have stability of secretariat and of constitutive document for at
> least two years in the interests of the development of the Coalition.
> And we may find that there are several issues that we may want to
> address at a later date.
> (3) We could add some language clarifying the accountability of the
> secretariat. On this issue Sion has raised concerns about possible
> unclarity in the language calling for the secretariat to report to both
> the CC and the Membership. Would anyone have a suggestion on that?
> (4) On the question of 3 seats or 4 as an upper limit for an
> organisation--one could argue there is no need for any such upper limit
> as the membership should be allowed to decide who are the best
> candidates during the elections. And since TI national chapters are
> devoted to anti-corruption work in many countries they will potentially
> be the most active in this area. As to the data-- the last time I
> checked the number of TI national chapters was around 35 but I would
> have to check again. In any event we should apply such rule to any
> organisation not just TI.
> (5) Quorum and certain other issues are important but perhaps better
> included in the Rules of Procedure otherwise this constitutive document
> could perhaps become too cumbersome.
> Best,
> Gillian
> ________________________________
> From: Coalition WG on Coordination Committee on behalf of Ifthekar Zaman
> Sent: Thu 07/10/2010 03:49
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Coalition draft document -- next steps
> Dear colleagues,
> I would prefer a shorter vision statement, something like (perhaps to
> confuse more!!):
> A world in which corruption is effectively controlled theough collective
> initiatives of stronger national and international coalitions.
> The idea is to remain focused on the primacy of the collective efforts
> and
> coaltion building.
> On the question of quota and quorum, I am wondering if we could cosnider
> percetages in addition to number, e.g., 3 or no more than 20 percent; and
> 7 or no less than 60 percent. This may give us functional flexibility. I
> am of course flexible about the ratio to agreed upon.
> Best Iftekhar.
>> A few comments:
>> 1)    The vision statement doesn't really make sense (legal frameworks
>> are not participatory). I prefer something along the lines of the
>> following:
>> A world in which corruption is countered through effective,
>> transparent and participatory anti-corruption programmes fostered by
>> an agreed international legal framework and collective action.
>> 2)    Re. Tunde's query on 4(b)(2), about the Secretariat ascertaining
>> that a member 'appears to' meet the conditions of membership, I agree
>> this seems odd. The idea, however, was that the Secretariat would just
>> do an initial screening, and the real decision, as long as there were
>> no obvious flaws in the application, would be made by the Coordination
>> Committee. Maybe we can find better language.
>> 3)    So far, I think the only people who have voiced any opinion on how
>> may members of the Coordination Committee may be from one organisation
>> are myself, supported by Tunde, calling for it to be set at three, and
>> TI, suggesting four. It would be helpful if we could hear from others
>> on this. I would also be interested to know what percentage of the
>> current membership are TI-affiliated groups.
>> 4)    Jasper is right that we need to consider someone else than TI
>> being
>> the Secretariat. Even if this is unlikely, we should not
>> constitutionally exclude it.
>> 5)    Jasper is also right that we should introduce quorum (I assume he
>> means for the Coordination Committee). I would suggest 7.
>> 6)    I am not sure, however, that we need an amendment formula or
>> transitional provisions (other than the one on an interim Coordination
>> Committee, which we already have). Although the lawyer in me likes
>> this idea, I think it is probably too formal. I suppose in practice
>> amendment could be either on proposal of the Coordination Committee or
>> at a Membership Meeting. I take it as understood that changes would
>> need to be approved by the membership.
>> Best, Toby
>> On 6 Oct 2010, at 12:58, Jasper Cummeh wrote:
>>> Dear all;
>>> Please see attached some comments in track changes that I have made
>>> on the document.
>>> G. Jasper Cummeh, III
>>> Senior Policy Director
>>> Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives
>>> Top Floor West
>>> 26 Benson Street
>>> Monrovia, Liberia
>>> (231)-6-542-933
>>> --- On Wed, 10/6/10, Gillian Dell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> From: Gillian Dell <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Subject: Re: Coalition draft document -- next steps
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 2:14 AM
>>> Hallo Slagjana! Hallo all!!
>>> It seems that a couple of you did not receive the attachment so I am
>>> resending it attached here. I'll take this chance to write two
>>> additional points about the document:
>>> (1)     As Sion suggested I'd like to try to find a specialist
>>> lawyer to have a look at the document. If you know of one please do
>>> let me know.
>>> (2)     In the attached version I made a small change. The
>>> individual members are now called "associate" members since they
>>> don't have voting rights.
>>> A QUESTION: Which groups do we want to include in the term "civil
>>> society organisation?". Already included are trade unions and NGOs.
>>> I recommend that we also include research institutes, colleges and
>>> universities. I recommend that we don't as a rule include
>>> professional associations, but may do so in special cases. And I
>>> tend to think we should not include real foundations. It would be
>>> good to hear your views on these and any other organisations forms
>>> that you think we should consider. I have received requests for
>>> membership from a university and from an organisation that has
>>> "foundation" in its name but says that it is not one in fact.
>>> Feedback would be much appreciated by Monday if possible.
>>> Best,
>>> Gillian
>>> ----
>>> Gillian Dell
>>> Programme Manager, Conventions
>>> Transparency International Secretariat
>>> Alt-Moabit 96
>>> 10559 Berlin
>>> Germany
>>> Tel: +49-30-3438 20-17
>>> Fax: +49-30-3470 3912
>>> Email: [log in to unmask]
>>> Website: http://www.transparency.org <http://www.transparency.org/> 
>>> <http://www.transparency.org/>
>>> <http://www.transparency.org/>
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Coalition WG on Coordination Committee
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]
>>> <[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> ] On Behalf Of Slagana Taseva
>>> Sent: 06 October 2010 09:07
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: Coalition draft document -- next steps
>>> Hi Gillian,
>>> Many thanks to you!
>>> I'm trying to catch up now by re-reading more thoroughly all the
>>> documents
>>> you have sent.
>>> Sorry for not being very active lately but it was a very busy time
>>> for me. I
>>> was following the developments in the coalition and I'm grateful for
>>> your
>>> dedication and congratulate you all for the developments. Please
>>> send the
>>> attachment you have promised.:))
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Slagjana
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Gillian Dell" <[log in to unmask]>
>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 10:45 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Coalition draft document -- next steps
>>> Dear all,
>>> I hope you're all well. I'm sending you now by attachment to this
>>> message
>>> the full draft of the constitutive document for your review. A few
>>> edits to
>>> the first section have been introduced using tracking and in the
>>> second part
>>> tracking has also been used for text requiring special attention.
>>> Many thanks to Toby Mendel for his assistance in preparing this
>>> draft of the
>>> document.
>>> Looking forward to your feedback.
>>> All the best,
>>> Gillian
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Coalition WG on Coordination Committee on behalf of Gillian Dell
>>> Sent: Thu 30/09/2010 14:57
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: Coalition draft document -- next steps
>>> Dear all,
>>> Many thanks to all who sent in comments on the revised second
>>> segment of the
>>> consolidated document. Those inputs will be taken into account in a
>>> final
>>> draft to be circulated to this Working Group for final comments next
>>> week
>>> prior to circulating it to the whole Coalition.
>>> One question that could benefit from a round of discussion is the
>>> voting
>>> rights of individual members. These are curtailed in the current draft
>>> because the Coalition is seen primarily as a Coalition of CSOs and
>>> also
>>> because CSOs tend to represent more people than individuals do. Any
>>> thoughts
>>> on that?
>>> The proposed next steps are as follows:
>>> (1)     Friday 1 October 2010 : I'll send the Working Group the
>>> proposed
>>> draft first section of the document for one further week of
>>> discussion. Toby
>>> Mendel is kindly helping with the re-drafting.
>>> (2)     Tuesday 5 October: I'll send the Working Group the revised
>>> second
>>> section for consideration until the end of next week.
>>> (3)     During the week of 11 October: I'll circulate the draft
>>> document to
>>> the whole Coalition for two weeks consideration ( to 25 October)
>>> (4)     During 11 - 25 October: I'll circulate to the Working Group a
>>> proposed new membership application form and a first draft of Rules of
>>> Procedure. I'll also circulate some questions and ideas about next
>>> steps in
>>> terms of when and how to hold elections.
>>> Sound ok?
>>> Best,
>>> Gillian
>>> ----
>>> Gillian Dell
>>> Programme Manager, Conventions
>>> Transparency International Secretariat
>>> Alt-Moabit 96
>>> 10559 Berlin
>>> Germany
>>> Tel: +49-30-3438 20-17
>>> Fax: +49-30-3470 3912
>>> Email: [log in to unmask]
>>> Website: http://www.transparency <http://www.transparency/> 
>>> <http://www.transparency/>
>>> <http://www.transparency/>
>>> <http://www.transparency/> .org
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Coalition WG on Coordination Committee
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]
>>> <[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>>  ] On Behalf Of CorruptionWatchAruba
>>> Sent: 21 September 2010 14:24
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: current geographical distribution of UNCAC Coalition members
>>> What is the current geographical distribution of UNCAC Coalition
>>> members.
>>> The member list on the web site is as we know incomplete.
>>> The reason I am asking is because I feel Central and South America
>>> and the
>>> Caribbean are very underrepresented in the UNCAC Coalition, yet
>>> these same
>>> regions show some of the highest dual statistics of corruption and
>>> human
>>> rights violations.
>>> And what happened to Djilali Hadjadj seems to happen every single
>>> day in a
>>> lot of countries in this region, so much so it is going increasingly
>>> unnoticed and unpublished.
>>> Milton Ponson, President
>>> Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation
>>> (Rainbow Warriors International)
>>> Tel. +297 568 5908
>>> PO Box 1154 , Oranjestad
>>> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
>>> Email: [log in to unmask]
>>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]
>>> <[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>>  >
>>> CorruptionWatch Aruba is a local component of the Global Campaign
>>> Project
>>> Paradigm of Rainbow Warriors International, focusing on monitoring
>>> the rule
>>> of law, functioning and performance of the executive, legislative and
>>> judicial powers in Aruba and is member of the UNCAC coalition,
>>> promoting the
>>> UN Convention against Corruption
>>> ________________________________
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>>> Join the anti-corruption community at the 14th International Anti-
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>>> Information on speakers, workshops and more, available here
>>> <http://14iacc.org/programme/at-a-glance/> . Online Registration
>>> <https://14iacc.org/registration_files/registration.php>  closes 31
>>> October,
>>> so act soon!
>>> Transparency International is the global civil society organisation
>>> leading
>>> the fight against corruption.
>>> www.transparency.org <http://www.transparency.org/>
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>>> Coalition.Const Doc.Full.doc.5.10.10.docx>
>> ___________________________________
>> Toby Mendel
>> Executive Director
>> Centre for Law and Democracy
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>> Tel:  +1 902 431-3688
>> Fax: +1 902 431-3689
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> Join the anti-corruption community at the 14th International
> Anti-Corruption Conference 10-13 November 2010, Bangkok, Thailand.
> Information on speakers, workshops and more, available here. Online
> Registration closes 31 October, so act soon!
> Transparency International is the global civil society organisation
> leading the fight against
> corruption.
> www.transparency.org
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Join the anti-corruption community at the 14th International Anti-Corruption
Conference <http://www.14iacc.org/>  10-13 November 2010, Bangkok , Thailand
. Information on speakers, workshops and more, available here
<http://14iacc.org/programme/at-a-glance/> . Online Registration
<https://14iacc.org/registration_files/registration.php>  closes 31 October,
so act soon!

Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading
the fight against corruption.

www.transparency.org <http://www.transparency.org/>

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or mailto: [log in to unmask]

Join the anti-corruption community at the 14th International Anti-Corruption
Conference 10-13 November 2010, Bangkok, Thailand.
Information on speakers, workshops and more, available here. Online
Registration closes 31 October, so act soon!

Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading
the fight against

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or mailto: [log in to unmask]

Join the anti-corruption community at the 14th International Anti-Corruption 
Conference 10-13 November 2010, Bangkok, Thailand.
Information on speakers, workshops and more, available here. Online 
Registration closes 31 October, so act soon!

Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading 
the fight against

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