fumidil is a funny one.
it is classified as an antibiotic.
it is produced by culturing one of the causative agents of stonebrood...essentially it is a fungus produced toxin designed to inhibit competition for food. in this way, it is similar to penicillin (which is a bread mold produced toxin).
it's main interest for human use (i think) was that it restricted the blood flow to tumors.
it's propensity to cause birth defects in humans means that it is banned in most of the world. i don't think it's used on anything other than bees, and it's only legal in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. On a U.K. bee forum, there are reports that it is hard to come by, and it may be removed from use.
so, yes, it is an antibiotic...but it has many other properties as well.
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