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Fri, 31 Jul 2009 05:21:34 +0200
Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Juanse Barros <[log in to unmask]>
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wow, where did you find the Ron Phipps one? The link is for a canadian
report of april 2009.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:50 AM, beewrench <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> OK Guys, settle in for a session:
> The oldest is this one:
> Then here's a cut and paste from Mr. Ron Phipps.
> _____________________________________________________
> (Colony Collapse Disorder, Circumvention, & Crops)
> July 27, 2009
> Ron Phipps
> Overall Comments
> As this report is being written, the North American honey market awaits
> clarification of production of the: 1) important white clover and sunflower
> crops in South and North Dakota and 2) Canada's honey crop. Given the
> sparsity of white honey from the traditional major honey exporting
> countries, with China excluded due to prohibitive antidumping duties imposed
> by the U.S. Department of Commerce on Chinese honey, the success or failure
> of the honey crops in the northern honey producing areas of North America
> will have a major impact upon the price tendencies and availability of
> honey, especially white honey.
> The American honey market is witnessing the converging influence of two
> major concerns: 1) growing long-term concerns regarding the viability of the
> global honey bee population, and 2) the emergence of a two-tiered honey
> market in America. Both of these concerns have generated an unusual degree
> of interest among beekeepers and packers, the media, scientists, the U.S.
> Congress and the governmental agencies responsible to enforce the rule of
> law in America's international trade relations.
> Colony Collapse Disorder (C.C.D.)
> In recent months, there has been excellent media coverage of the continuing
> problems with the health of the world's pollinators. One of the best
> descriptions of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was broadcast on National
> Public Television (PBS—Nature; on July 26, 2009.
> This program described the nature of the problems, current research
> regarding causes and cures and the potential impact upon agriculture. There
> are approximately 100 crops that require pollination through insects. These
> crops include the major fruits, nuts and vegetables required for a healthy,
> anti-oxidant rich and balanced human diet. As both the scale of agriculture
> and the suburbanization of society have increased, natural pollination has
> declined greatly. Now approximately 1/3 of American agricultural production
> depends upon the honey bee to pollinate crops.
> There appears to be a confluence of variables which are exacerbating the
> bees' vulnerability to disease, including stress from the highly migratory
> practices of modern beekeeping, the mono-diet of bees under large scale
> agriculture, pesticides and climatic stresses. Most research scientists are
> coming to view the phenomena of bees disappearing from their hives to be a
> cumulative consequence of this confluence of factors. Concern for the
> world's honey bees has deepened as increased awareness of the vital
> importance of bees, not just to the honey industry, but to agriculture more
> generally, has grown.
> The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a
> multi-disciplinary team to investigate the cause and cures of colony
> collapse disorder. This illustrates the importance of the issue beyond the
> beekeeping community, since ¾ of the plants on the earth require
> pollination.
> The Two-Tiered Market
> Concurrent with stresses on bee colonies, we witness the emergence and
> entrenchment in the U.S.A. of a two-tiered honey market. This two-tiered
> price structure has sprung up in inverse relationship to growing quality and
> duty restrictions upon imports of Chinese honey. The price gaps inherent in
> the two-tiered market have become untenable for many honey packers.
> There has rarely, if ever, been such growing unity among all levels of the
> American honey industry and from all regions of the country in favor of
> ending the circumvention of Chinese honey through various forms of
> non-dutiable "blends" and through illegal transshipments of Chinese honey
> through third countries. American beekeepers, packers, some importers,
> various exporters and governments are coalescing in unprecedented unity to
> stop the circumvention of anti-dumping duties and the illicit trade in honey
> that have created the two-tiered market that threatens the American honey
> industry. The U.S. Federal Government agencies responsible to enacting and
> enforcing U.S. antidumping law have been increasingly active and arrests for
> criminal trade in illicit honey imports have occurred.
> Some governments have recently taken action. The State of Florida has
> accepted, as of July, 2009, a Standard of Identity for honey which may
> contribute to preventing adulteration of honey and the creation "blends"
> designed to circumvent antidumping duties. The Vietnamese Government
> instituted a Monitoring Program in May, 2009, one of whose aims is to
> preserve the integrity and reputation of Vietnam by prohibiting
> transshipment of Chinese honey. Even elements of the Chinese honey industry
> and government realize that this illicit circumvention is harmful to China's
> reputation.
> The American Honey Producers Association, The National Honey Packers and
> Dealers Association, The Committee for the Promotion of Honey and Health and
> many major packers have taken strong measures. Honey companies throughout
> the U.S.A. are contacting Congress and the media to urge more comprehensive
> and decisive action to prevent circumvention. Some lawyers have suggested
> Congressional Hearings to be held on these blatant and repeated acts to
> violate international trade law and circumvent the force of U.S. antidumping
> rulings. Also, some have suggested that the mass media and the appropriate
> trade journals need to be informed so that the collusion and criminality
> that underlie the gross price disparities that render fair competition
> impossible and threaten the survival of honest companies can be understood.
> The aberrational patterns of honey imports, which appear month by month,
> are relatively transparent. Countries that produce minimal amounts of honey,
> according to official communications from their government and other
> sources, are exporting 10 times their production. Countries that shipped
> virtually no honey to the world a decade ago are currently shipping to the
> U.S. at a rate equivalent to 125 million pounds per year. Countries with
> tropical climates that produce 80%-90% dark honey, are shipping huge
> quantities of white honey. There are reports that Chinese honey has been
> illegally blended in third countries prior to export to the U.S.A.
> The American honey industry is not the only industry threatened by Chinese
> honey. The Indian press reported in 2003 that Chinese honey was being
> smuggled through Nepal, that Nepal was a net importer of honey, not an
> exporter, and that no sanitary checks were being conducted on the honey
> imported into India. In 2005, Indian farmers feared "that cheaper Chinese
> honey imports have captured the wholesale market, leading to a glut" (Nov.
> 13, 2005, Thiruvananthapuram). Indeed, India, despite a rather intense trade
> relationship with China, has more antidumping suits against Chinese products
> than does the U.S.A.
> Crops
> United States
> The size and quality of North American crops remains hard to assess, as
> this report is being written in late July. Weather problems and volatility
> nationally have been inconsistent and pronounced. California and Texas have
> suffered extreme and persistent drought, reducing normally substantial crops
> of sage, orange and buckwheat honey in California and tallow honey in Texas.
> Florida and the southwest, like the northeast, have suffered excessive rain,
> which harms the orange, tupelo and gallberry honey crops.
> The Dakotas had ample moisture and healthy bees going into the early
> summer. But cool weather that saw temperatures fall to 49° in June delayed
> extraction and diminished prospects for a bumper clover crop. Beekeepers
> report many problems with bees as colonies are in some cases failing to
> build and in other cases collapsing. Everything is late and extraction in
> the Midwest, that would have normally begun in the first half of July, has
> not begun as August approaches. It will take ideal weather, an accelerated
> production period and re-invigorated bees to produce the bumper white clover
> crop that was anticipated when the Dakotas entered the honey production
> season with ample moisture.
> Canada
> Canada reports the same delay in the crop and that temperatures are very
> cold all across Canada as July ends. The prime honey production period in
> Canadian prairie provinces has been hurt by a late Spring and very cold
> mid-summer. Some agricultural experts predict a crop of only 30-40 million
> pounds unless weather improves. Ontario has been too wet and cold. The Jet
> Stream has played havoc producing autumn weather in summer.
> Argentina
> Argentina is between crops and, contrary to some rumors, the earlier
> assessment that Argentina's honey crop was small and dark is correct. If
> there is some honey in beekeepers hands, that honey is not being released
> since Argentine beekeepers anticipate a firming market as consumption in the
> Northern Hemisphere increases in September through December.
> Argentine exporters, like Brazilian exporters, are concerned that the huge
> bailout of the American financial system and the gigantic cumulative
> national debt burdening the U.S. economy will weaken the U.S. Dollar and
> cause commodity prices in general, and honey prices in particular, to rise.
> Brazil
> The severe floods of northeast Brazil have subsided and rainfall is normal.
> Honey is flowing again, and production presently is of dark and aromatic
> honey. Prices have shifted modestly as production has shifted from white
> grades to light amber and amber grades.
> Vietnam
> The total Vietnamese honey crop was about 20,000MT about 65% of which has
> been exported. Some higher quality and higher priced mono-flora honey may
> still come into the market in September if rains subside.
> Vietnam has worked hard to improve quality and increase the level of
> beekeepers' professional expertise. In May, several Vietnamese scientists
> from agricultural universities visited the bee lab at the University of
> California at Davis. The Vietnamese Government issued a formal circular to
> institute a Monitoring Program whose aims are to: 1) improve and standardize
> quality and 2) prevent circumvention of Chinese honey through Vietnam.
> Barbara Sheehan and James Phipps participated in meetings with the
> Vietnamese Beekeeping Association, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture
> and the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi to encourage the establishment of this
> Monitoring Program. Officials of both governments and the honey industries
> of both countries welcome this important step to ensure fair and legal
> trade.
> Conclusion
> Circumvention in the American honey market has become the most decisive
> factor in determining prices of honey, who dominates and who survives or
> fails among producers, packers, importers and exporters. Correspondingly and
> consequently, the opposition to the collusion underlying circumvention has
> become unprecedentedly broad and deep. This problem has to be solved if the
> positive potentials for the honey industry are to be realized.
> pps report
>  __._,_.___
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Juanse Barros J.
Carrera 695
Gorbea - CHILE
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