> I hear that the Chinese are hand-pollinating now - amazing.
I saw a program on the discovery channel showing the method. I wish every
grower could watch. bees are taken for granted.
(Incompetent: not competent; lacking
> qualification or ability; incapable).
Timing & planning ahead is commercial beekeeping 101. We are working on
setups for the last queen shipment in April right now. At any minute we
could get bad weather , truck break down or crisis arise.
PPB is mostly a lack of attention and getting so far behind work does not
get done. taking things for granted. Most commercial beeks today are
qualified and have the ability.
> Yes - but who was going to pay?
Wallstreet thought main street should pay as did big AG back then. Their
lobbyists went to Washington and pushed through the indemnity program. $18
per documented deadout killed by pesticides. Still a big loss for beeks but
would buy a replacement package. Today we would need three times the amount
to buy a package but the difference with the neonicotinoids is the poison
pollen frames which need trashed.
Oh dear! Imported queens. We are going to have to agree to disagree again!
We called all our U.S. & Hawaii suppliers and none could fill our order. My
close friend in Australia came through for us sending in his last 1500
queens as winter is coming and his need for queens over.
he has helped us out three times now. Actually the best Italian queens I get
these days.
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