> What short 1 question, or 2-3 questions, ought we ask of someone we phone
> or write for bees, in order to promote this health advantage? (And what
> ought the answer(s) be?
Well, confrontation will not help, so the trick is to keep it friendly and
conversational. Also, if you look influential or likely to be a big repeat
customer, you are more likely to have an effect. Frankly, the answers are
not as important as bringing up the subject repeatedly in a non-threatening
way. You are usually going to hear some fiction, intentional or not, so
don't sweat it. What counts is that you brought the issue forward. When I
was qualifying as a ski instructor, I my instructor would stop on the hill
and say, "Don't think of a pink elephant", and then smile and look us in the
eye, then say, "What are you thinking about? The lesson was not to mention
negatives when teaching, but to emphasize the correct answers in a clear,
easy-to-imagine manner. Whatever is discussed is visualized and whatever is
visualized becomes closer.
So, for a new prospective supplier, something like I (my bee club, our
10,000 hive operation.. or whatever...) am/are looking for
(reconsidering...) our supplier of queens for the coming year.
We hear that there are some pretty good stocks out there that combine good
production, (blah, blah) with fairly good resistance to mites, such that
they don't need much treatment and sometimes none. How are your queens
stacking up? Oh, really, that's great! How do you achieve this? Do test
for x, y, z? How consistent is the stock? (etc.)
For an existing supplier: Hi we're thinking of ordering some queens again
this year. How are supplies? Last year we experienced (whatever...). Did
others see this too? That is good (not good). Are you making any changes?
Incorporating any new features? We are hearing that ...
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