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"Mudar, Karen" <[log in to unmask]>
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HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Feb 2014 08:36:07 -0500
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*NPS Archeology Program Posts Webinars*

The NPS Archeology Program has posted on their public website the webinars
from a series the program hosted in Fall 2013-Winter 2014.  The lecture
series was devoted to dissemination of information about developments in
archeological site locational technologies including LiDAR, metal
detecting, ground penetrating radar, satellite imagery, and underwater
locational technologies.  The posted webinars are

ˇ         *A Short History of Technological Innovations in Geo-spatial
Methods in Archeology*

Fred Limp, Leica Chair in Geospatial Imaging, Dept. of Geosciences,
University of Arkansas

ˇ         *Metal Detecting for Archeologists: Recent Advances in Methods
and Equipment*

Douglas Scott, NPS Archeologist (retired)

ˇ         *Geophysical Prospecting in Archeology*

Kenneth L. Kvamme, Director, Archeo-Imaging Lab, University of Arkansas

ˇ         *Capturing Cultural Landscapes: GIS and Historical Imagery at
Voyageurs National Park*

Andrew LaBounty, Integrated Resources Technician, Voyageurs NP

ˇ         *Direct Predictive Modeling of Regional Archaeological Phenomena
with Satellites*

Alan P. Sullivan, Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of

ˇ         *Heritage Preservation and 3D Immersive Learning Using
Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Combined Spatial, Imaging, and
Visualization Tools*

Lori Collins and Travis Doering, Alliance for Integrated Spatial
Technologies, University of South Florida, School of Geosciences

ˇ         *Advancing Archeology in the Midwest Region through GIS:
Information Management, Modeling, and Analysis*

Anne Vawser and Amanda Davey Renner, NPS Midwest Archeological Center

ˇ         *Business in Great Waters: A Review and Assessment of Marine
Archeological Remote Sensing Techniques and Technology*

Dave Conlin, NPS and James Delgado, NOAA

To view the webinars, go to http://www.nps.gov/archeology/tools/webinars.htm

*Climate Change and Cultural Resources Video about Colonial National
Historical Park Released*

The latest video by the NPS Climate Change and Cultural Resources Program
(CCRP) on climate change in parks has been released. *Climate Change in
National Parks: Culture and History on Jamestown Island* addresses the
relevance of unique cultural resources to climate change -- how they are
affected by current change, what they reveal about ways people have
responded to change in the past, and how they can inform the decisions we
need to make today and in the future. The episode features Jamestown Island
at Colonial NHP.

Jonathan Connolly, Dennis Blanton, Marcy Rockman , Dan Smith, Melanie
Pereira, and Dorothy Geyer assisted in the production of the video.

To watch the video, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tm4uW02zCM

It is also available on the multimedia page of the CCRP website, under
Climate Conversations:


All the videos can also be viewed through the CCRP YouTube channel:


*Contact: *Tim Watkins, 202-513-7189

*Conversation with an Archeologist: Julie Steele*

We caught up with Julie Steele at Petersburg National Battlefield Park,
where she is the cultural resource manager. She interrupted her busy day to
talk to us about the path that led her to this job.

There is a quiet but persistent current of independence that runs through
Julie Steele's career. Growing up in Philadelphia, she developed a
fascination for colonial and Native American history. But Julie decided on
her future profession after a sixth-grade class trip to the University of
Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology. She was so taken with
Egyptology that she wrote a paper about it for a class assignment. Her
teacher said, "That's nice, Julie, maybe your husband will be an
archeologist," a comment Julie has not forgotten.

After high school, Julie interned at the National Archives in Washington,
DC and lived at the Evangeline Home for Young Working Women. She was an
editorial assistant for the journal "Prologue," assigned to the young
Herman Viola, who was embarked on a distinguished academic career in Native
American history. Julie worked there during all of the summers of
undergraduate school at the University of Pennsylvania, but got other
housing after that first summer!

During college, Julie volunteered archeological work, including working
with John Cotter at Franklin Court. Intending to be a Near Eastern
archeologist, she worked in Turkey with Jacques Bordaz, and was slated to
go to Libya, plans that were interrupted by Kaddafi. She applied to work
with archeologists on the Alaskan pipeline and was accepted, that is, so
long as she could get to Alaska within the week. Julie borrowed money,
bought heavy clothes, and headed west. It was March 1975. She was one of
ten women hired as pipeline archeologists at a time when most women in the
oil fields plied a more common trade.

For Julie, working on the Alaskan pipeline was a pivotal experience. She
worked all over Alaska and made enough money to go to grad school at SUNY
Binghamton where she studied with fellow pipeline archeologist Al Dekin.
Retired NPS archeologist Bob Gal was a crew chief. She finished her course
work, obtained an M.A., but never completed her PhD. "One thing I regret,"
she said.

After three years at Binghamton, Alaska called, and Julie couldn't resist.
She got a job as an archeologist with the Army Corps of Engineers, which
was doing hydro-electric projects in Alaska. Then, thinking she would make
a good environmental lawyer, Julie moved to Washington DC where she
attended George Washington University Law School. "I knew at once," she
said, "that I had made a mistake." She was much more interested in the
cultural context of cases than the legalities themselves, which she found
distracting. After a year, Alaska called again. The Alaska Office of the
Bureau of Lands Management offered her a job as an archeologist. She
accepted and worked there for eight years, doing Section 106 compliance and
Section 110 surveys.

Why did you leave Alaska? I asked. Alaska is a big state, but a small pond
for employment, and there wasn't much room for advancement or expanding job
skills. When an archeologist's job was advertised in the NPS Philadelphia
regional office, Julie decided to apply. To her surprise, she was offered
the position. In 1994, Julie moved back to her home town. As a project
archeologist in the Northeast Regional Office, Julie worked on numerous
projects including the footprints of the Revolutionary War huts at Valley
Forge NHP, funded by the Log Cabin Syrup Company.

When a supervisor directed the male archeologists to attend a class on the
new technology of ground penetrating radar (GPR), while telling the female
archeologists to plan the Christmas party, Julie insisted on, and received,
the same training as the men. She mastered GPR working with a former
professor, Bruce Bevan, and often relies on the technology in her present

In 2007, when her program was reorganized, Julie moved to Petersburg NBP,
Virginia, to become one of the few female cultural resource managers of an
NPS Civil War park.  She discovered that her skills matched the job very
well, including Section 106 compliance for construction projects (from time
with the Army Corps of Engineers), consultation (from her work with the
BLM), GPR competence, an appreciation for landscape archeology, and a
strong sense of responsibility for everything archeological at the park,
which includes paleoindian and plantation archeology, as well as Civil War

Recently, she has overseen archeological data recovery related to a project
to stabilize an undercut bluff at City Point that was threatening the
headquarters of General Ulysses S. Grant. She is involved in the
park effort to restore damaged and defaced headstones at the Poplar Grove
National Cemetery, and her research revealed that there were a number of
Native American burials. She reached out to contact descendants and has
since established working relationships between the park and tribal
members.  She is currently applying the new technology of LiDAR (Light
Detection and Ranging) to systematically identify undocumented
archeological resources within the park.

Julie's advice to young people starting out in Federal archeology today:

ˇ         Finish your degree. Otherwise that unfinished business will
always bother you!

ˇ         If a position appeals to you, apply for it! You don't know the
backstory, and you just might have all the skills, they are looking for.

ˇ         Federal archeologists need to be generalists in terms of subject
matter and technologies.  Feed your curiosity, keep an open mind, and grow
your skill sets!

ˇ         Don't hoard your data! Get it out there where people can use it.
The more people interested in learning, the more we all learn.

Through dogged persistence and a refusal to be pigeonholed, Julie Steele
has carved out a rewarding career for herself and helped create
opportunities for others in the field of NPS archeology.

Thanks for talking to us, Julie!

*Utah County Wants ATV Road Through Archeological District*

Nearly a decade ago, two Utah men built an illegal ATV trail through
Recapture Canyon, on BLM land, damaging ancient cooking structures, rock
walls and other priceless artifacts. Kenneth James Brown, 70, and Daniel
Lee Felstead, 41, of Blanding, built the ATV trail in 2005, which involved
cutting old-growth juniper trees; moving stones; and installing rock
cribbing, drainage pipes, and a wooden bridge. In 2011, they were fined
$35,000.  The BLM shut down the trail in 2007 to prevent further damage.

Today, the agency is considering a plan to designate the southeast Utah
canyon as an official motorized route, setting off a vigorous debate over
balancing protection and promotion of American Indian sites on public
lands. The agency this spring is expected to release an environmental
assessment on the proposed 14-mile trail, which would traverse one of the
most archeologically rich counties in the nation.

San Juan County submitted the right-of-way application in late 2012,
arguing it could promote economic development in nearby Blanding while
reducing the threat of improvised trails. But archeologists, conservation
groups, and the Hopi Tribe said the BLM should reject the proposal, arguing
it would reward the trail builders and increase the risk of vandalism
because the riverine canyon is currently accessible only by foot or horse.

Known as a "mini Mesa Verde," the canyon contains an unusually dense
collection of Ancestral Puebloan sites, including ceramic hearths, storage
cisterns, cliff habitations, ceremonial kivas and ancient trash heaps --
evidence of a resident population. It also includes the remnants of old
stock corrals and a wood-framed house from as recent as the mid-20th

A study commissioned by the BLM found the trail builders had caused more
than $300,000 in archeological damage that would cost the agency more than
$90,000 to restore and repair, but the real damage could not be
quantified.  "The unauthorized ATV activity has permanently and
significantly diminished the cultural heritage value of the archaeological
resources at these sites to Native Americans and the American public as a
whole, as well as their scientific value to archaeologists," said the
report. According to the 2007 study, potential impacts from ATV access
include wood cutting, vegetation and soil damage, or looting.

BLM in 2008 issued a resource management plan barring future ATV use in the
canyon, while allowing 2,820 miles for motorized recreation elsewhere.
Critics of the Recapture trail say there are ample places for motorized
recreation in San Juan. Moreover, Recapture Canyon is "one of those rare
canyons" in Utah that contain year-round water flows -- which occur on just
1 percent of BLM lands in Utah -- and cultural resources eligible for the
National Register of Historic Places that are not already open to ATVs.

Brian Quigley, assistant field office manager at the BLM, said the agency
does not feel that designating the right of way would encourage future
illegal trail activity. Sandberg said the ATV trail would be unlikely to
increase vandalism and looting because more eyes in the canyon would help
deter would-be thieves. Moreover, the application has been revised to avoid
one of the most archeologically sensitive southern legs of the canyon.

There is an annual San Juan ATV safari in September with upward of 100
riders, and local businesses would like to see that grow, Sandberg said. If
the BLM grants the right of way -- which would likely last 30 years --
conservation groups want to know whether the agency will terminate the
route if looting or vandalism occurs or if air or water quality diminishes.
As well, they're worried about BLM's law enforcement capacity.

Protection of American Indian sites is a sensitive issue in the Four
Corners, where Federal authorities estimate 90 percent of sites have been
plundered. In San Juan County, where until the 1920s Blanding residents
were paid by the University of Utah to hunt for ancient pots, experts
estimate looters have raided most of the county's 28,000 known
archeological sites.

The black market for looted artifacts is a chronic problem, according to
Federal officials. In 2009, a two-year multiagency undercover operation in
Utah, Colorado and New Mexico involving a wiretapped FBI source recovered
256 native artifacts worth an estimated $335,685. Two dozen people were
charged with theft of U.S. government and tribal property. Some of those
deals took place in Blanding.

*From story by Phil Taylor, Environmental and Energy Publishing*

*BLM offers $1,000 for information on archeological looting*

The BLM is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest
and conviction of the person or persons responsible for looting
archaeological sites on public lands near Dillon, Montana. A ranger and an
archeologist recently discovered a large hole that had been excavated at an
American Indian archeological site about 10 miles south of Dillon.

Mike Ramirez, a special agent with the BLM's office for law enforcement, is
keenly aware that illegal excavation compromises historical sites. "If
someone goes in there and starts digging around in an unscientific manner,
they've messed up the timeline of anything they found," he said.

The BLM has increased monitoring of such sites following a looting in
August 2013 in Beaverhead County. In that case, a ranger apprehended
several people stealing projectile points and stone tools.

People with information are asked to contact BLM Dillon Law Enforcement
Ranger Cory Manseau at 406-683-8006 or BLM Law Enforcement at 406-896-5010.

*By Kelley Christensen, The Montana Standard*

*Archeological Resources No Justification for Monument Expansion*

Federal officials are saying "no" to a proposed expansion of Walnut Canyon
NM outside Flagstaff, Arizona. The decisions by the NPS and the USFS to
forgo expanding the 3,600-acre monument or placing a protected status on
the 47-square-mile expansion area have left expansion supporters hoping for
congressional action. Federal officials concluded that cultural resources
in the proposed expansion area don't meet Federal requirements for

Results of a Federal study were presented to Flagstaff and Coconino County
officials who had requested the study in 2002. The area studied touches
residential areas and includes several mesas as well as archeological sites
and popular areas for rock climbing and other outdoor activities. The study
was conducted by the USFS and NPS, and the Museum of Northern. The museum
found that there are bountiful cultural resources in the area, but they are
not "outstanding examples," as required by the NPS.

"It was determined that the cultural resources do not meet the national
significance requirements," said Kayci Cook Collins, superintendent of the
Flagstaff Area Monuments. "So that being the case, then the other three
criteria are moot because national significance is the most important one."

Most of the proposed expansion area is national forest, but some is state
trust land and private property.

Designating the Walnut Canyon Study Area as a National Conservation Area
would preserve all current activities but protect it from land swaps. The
threat of development has become greater as 4,500 homes are being proposed
on the study-area boundary.

The current monument, located in pine country east of Flagstaff, includes a
trail for viewing cliff homes inside Walnut Canyon.

*Virginia Tribe to be First Federally Recognized in State*

After more than three decades, the Pamunkey Indian Tribe is just a few
steps away from becoming the first federally-recognized tribe in the
Common-wealth of Virginia. Chief Kevin Brown and the Pamunkey Tribal
Council have received a proposed finding from Kevin Washburn, BIA Assistant
Secretary, to grant the tribe the Federal recognition they seek.

The Pamunkey Indian Tribe is one of two tribes in Virginia, along with the
Mattaponi, who have members living on state reservations. The tribe still
honors a treaty originally made with Great Britain in 1646, delivering deer
and wild game to the governor of Virginia in an annual tribute ceremony.

The tribe's Federal acknowledgement effort began around 1980. Clear
documentation for the tribe's unbroken existence and relation to the
original Pamunkey people had to be collected to make a strong case.
Researchers set out to prove that the Pamunkey tribe is a free-standing
entity that has been in existence since the earliest contact with English
settlers. The tribe had met with Captain John Smith during his first visit
to Virginia in 1607.  Some of the earliest documents recovered by the
tribe's researchers were collected over the course of four research trips
to England.

Other Virginia tribes, including the Monacan, Nansemond, Rappahannock,
Upper Mattaponi, East Chickahominy and Chickahominy, have sought Federal
recognition through an act of Congress. Pamunkey tribe members were
approached to participate in that effort but were already more than a
decade into their research for the traditional application process through
the Office of Federal Acknowledgement. Federal acknowledgement means the
U.S. government recognizes the Pamunkey tribe's government as an official
entity with which it can do official business, opening up the possibility
for grants, loans, emergency assistance and other services and programs.

The Pamunkey tribe is small, with 203 members as of October 2012, 60 of
whom live on the reservation, but tribe members and interested scholars
will enjoy the fruits of the federal recognition research for years to
come: the Pamunkey tribe plans to establish a library with the historical
and genealogical documentation gathered as part of the effort to gain
Federal recognition.

*From story by Jodi Deal, The Mechanicsville Local*

*FCC Proposes Alternative to Section 106 for Positive Train Control System*

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposes to license a series of
20,000 wayside poles to be constructed by freight and passenger railroad
companies that will serve as Positive Train Control Systems (PTC) that the
Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 requires to be operational by 2015.
Each of the wayside poles, erected at 1-3 mile intervals on the railroad
right of way, consists of a 25 to 65-foot tall metal pole equipped with a
wireless radio receiver/ transmitter. The poles' foundation will range from
5-15 feet in depth, depending on site conditions, and from 12-15 inches in

In addition to wayside poles, the railroads will install an estimated
3-4,000 additional antenna to serve as base stations. These base stations
will, in most instances, be located farther away from the track, and at
100-150 feet above ground level. The PTC Systems will be able to control or
stop a train to prevent derailments and collisions should the operator be

The FCC chose an alternative to the standard four-step NHPA Section 106
compliance procedure called Program Comment. Alternative compliance
procedures allow agencies to meet Section 106 obligations using a process
that is tailored to their mission and needs. A Federal agency may request a
Program Comment from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
(Advisory Council) in lieu of case-by-case review. The benefit of a Program
Comment is that it allows a Federal agency to comply with Section 106 in an
efficient and targeted manner for a specific category of undertakings.

An agency official may request the [Advisory] Council to comment on a
category of undertakings in lieu of conducting individual reviews under
800.4 through 800.6. The Council may provide program comments at its own
initiative (CFR 800.14(e).

An important distinction about 800.14(e) Program Comment is that there will
be no review of individual cases. The review will be of the program comment
itself, which will be applied to a category of undertakings. The FCC has
requested that the Council endorse special procedures for installation of
the PTC wayside poles, in order to allow railroads to complete construction
by the Congressional deadline.

The FCC has invited comments from Federal agencies, Indian tribes, and
other interested parties on the proposed Program Comment. Within 45 days of
receiving the Program Comment from the FCC, the Advisory Council will
respond to the agency. The Council may comment on the proposed agency
comment that will be taken into account when the FCC oversees the
activities addressed by the Program Comment; or declines to comment, in
which case the FCC must comply with the standard 4-step review process used
in Section 106 compliance.

*New Yorker Publishes Article about Valley Fever*

Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) has long been a professional hazard for
archeologists, especially researchers in the Southwest. Traditionally
restricted to a relatively small sector of the American population (people
in occupations in close contact with soil such as farmers, ranchers, oil
field workers, and archeologists), the disease did not attract much
research attention. A recent upsurge in diagnosed cases, however, has
prompted more study, reports Dana Goodyear in her article *Death Dust: the
valley-fever menace* in the January 20, 2014,*New Yorker*.

Recent research suggests that increased dust storms moving across areas
denuded for construction projects introduce spores of the fungus*Coccidioides
immitis *into the air, where they can be inhaled. Only 40 percent of people
infected show symptoms - fever, cough, and exhaustion that can be hard to
distinguish from the flu. In a small percentage, however, long term
debilitation or death can occur.  Elderly and immune-compromised people;
pregnant women; and people of non-European biological origin (African
Americans and Filipinos have been identified as disproportionately
vulnerable) are most susceptible to the disease.

The NPS Office of Public Health, with assistance from the Archeology
Program, has developed a brochure about valley fever specifically for
archeologists. It discusses symptoms of the disease, ways that it is
contracted, and offers practical advice for avoiding the disease while
conducting excavations.

A copy of the brochure is available at

 To read Goodyear's article, go to

* Preserving history: $4.3M OK'd for NPS artifacts storage facility in
Townsend, Tennessee*

The NPS Joint Curatorial Collection Facility planned to be built next to
the Great Smoky Mountain Heritage Center in Townsend, Tennessee, is a go!
The DOI has approved the use of existing NPS funds in conjunction with
private donations from Friends of the Smokies and the Great Smoky Mountains
National Park Association.

The total cost for funding the facility is $4.3 million, with about $2.3
million coming from private donations. The facility will be located on a
1.6-acre parcel adjacent to the Heritage Center. The land is currently
owned by the Heritage Center, but will be donated to the NPS before any
construction would take place. The facility will be owned and operated by
the NPS.

The facility will preserve 422,000 historical artifacts and 450,000
archival records, including land record, oral histories, historic photos
and park operating records; and items such as clothing, vintage weapons,
logging-era equipment, farm tools and other objects from people living on
the farmsteads of the Southern Appalachians in pre-park days. The archival
collections will also include President Andrew Johnson's presidential

In addition to the Great Smoky Mountains NP, other Federal park and
recreation areas will be able to make use of the new joint facility,
including the Andrew Johnson NHS, Big South Fork NRRA, Cumberland Gap NHS
and Obed Wild and Scenic River. These sites currently house artifacts and
records in facilities that do not meet NPS standards for physical security
or environmental controls to protect them from mold, insects and fire.

*By Joel Davis, The Daily Times*

*Fort Vancouver National Historic Site Offers Field School*

The NPS, Portland State University, and Washington State University
Vancouver are offering a field school in historical archeology at Fort
Vancouver NHS. The site is an unparalleled archeological laboratory,
comprising the remains of Fort Vancouver, the ca.1825-1860 regional
headquarters and supply depot for the Hudson's Bay Company, and Vancouver
Barracks, the first (ca. 1849-2010) permanent U.S. Army post in the Pacific

The 2014 field school will continue a multi-year exploration of the
multicultural Village ("Kanaka Village"), the largest settlement in the
Pacific Northwest ca. 1829-1845. Residents included Native Hawaiians, the
Métis, and people of many different American Indian tribes. Later, the
village was the site of the Quartermaster's Depot, part of the World War I
Spruce Mill, which cut aviation-grade spruce for America's war effort, and
a barracks and training compound for the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

The field school will explore these sites and continue to collect data on
the Old City Cemetery, one of the oldest cemeteries in Vancouver,
Washington. The project is collecting baseline information on headstone
condition, and their styles, decorations, and inscriptions to help in its
future preservation. The program features historical archeology method and
theory. Students will participate in all aspects of field and laboratory
work. The field school will also provide a unique research context to
deploy mobile information technology in a variety of field situations while
providing a means to expand use of mobile devices in heritage preservation.

For more information and an application:

*Projects in Parks: **High Alpine Lakeside Villages and Rock Art in the
Brooks Range, Alaska*

*By *Scott Shirar, Jeff Rasic, and Eric Carlson

Archeologists from the University of Alaska Museum and the NPS recently
conducted work at a unique set of three prehistoric lakeside village sites
in northwestern Alaska. The sites are marked by dense concentrations of
house and storage features and caribou hunting facilities that are likely
associated with ancestral Inupiat groups. The sites also contain large,
rock-lined communal structures (qargit), and dozens of petroglyphs.
Together, the qargit and petroglyphs are a completely unique habitation
site type for Alaska. It is clear that something special occurred at these
places many centuries ago.

To read the full report (after March 1), go to

*Slightly Off-Topic: Winter builds rare icy path to ice caves at Apostle
Islands National Lakeshore*

Crowds of people are flocking to Apostle Islands NL to trek on a
frozen-over Lake Superior to dramatic ice caves accessible on foot for the
first time in several years, courtesy of the long frigid winter. The ice
caves on Superior's shoreline are carved out of sandstone by waves from the
lake and derive their name from the icy freeze in winter that makes them
glisten with hoar frost, icicles and ice formations.

Reachable in warm weather by boat, the caves are accessible in winter only
by walking across ice when it is thick and stable enough. About 35,000
people (!) have hiked the more than 1 mile route across the ice since
officials declared the ice a "low risk" on January 15, park spokeswoman
Julie Van Stappen said. It has been five years since the ice caves were
last reachable in the winter.  The round-trip trek to the caves can take
three hours or more over a well-packed and slippery path with little cover
to break the sometimes fierce winds. It's been five years since the ice has
been thick enough for hikers to safely reach the caves.

As many as 11,000 people a day have made the trek to see the majestic ice
caves. The park has turned to other agencies for help in handling the
thousands of people visiting the caves. Chief ranger Chris Smith said five
other national parks have sent staff and that the local sheriff's offices,
U.S. Coast Guard and Border Patrol are also helping out.

A cool autumn and early winter combined with polar vortexes helped lake ice
buildup weeks earlier than normal, said George Leshkevich, a researcher for
the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. The Great Lakes has
reached its broadest ice coverage in 20 years at 88 percent, with Lake
Superior at about 95 percent, according to the research laboratory.

For slide shows of this rare event, go to

*By Brendan O'Brien and David Bailey (Reuters)*

*Projects in Parks *is a feature of the *Archeology E-Gram *that informs
others about archeology-related projects in national parks. The full
reports are available on the *Projects in Parks *web page
http://www.nps.gov/archeology/sites/npSites/index.htm or through individual
issues of the *Archeology E-Gram*.

*Archeology E-Gram*, distributed via e-mail on a regular basis, includes
announcements about news, new publications, training opportunities,
national and regional meetings, and other important goings-on related to
public archeology in the NPS and other public agencies. Recipients are
encouraged to forward *Archeology E-Grams* to colleagues and relevant
mailing lists. The *Archeology E-Gram* is available on the *News and Links *
the NPS Archeology Program website.

*Contact*: Karen Mudar at [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> to contribute news
items, stories for *Projects in Parks*, and to subscribe.