DNA for Archaeologists
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DNA for Archaeologists
Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith and K. Ann Horsburgh
November 2012, 233 pages
The ability to use DNA evidence is revolutionizing our understanding of the
past. This book introduces archaeologists to the basics of DNA research so
they can understand the powers and pitfalls of using DNA data in
archaeological analysis and interpretation. By concentrating on the
principles and applications of DNA specific to archaeology, the authors
allow archaeologists to collect DNA samples properly and interpret the
laboratory results with greater confidence. The volume is replete with case
examples of DNA work in a variety of archaeological contexts and is an ideal
teaching tool for archaeologists and their students.
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ISBN: 978-1-59874-680-8 (c) / 978-1-59874-681-5 (p) / 978-1-61132-482-2
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$32.95 (U.S./Canadian), £20.75 (Paper)
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