I said:
>> I know Jerry's standard after-dinner talk on this subject,
>> so, for anyone anywhere in the lower 48, my retort to Dee is:
>> "Clean Honey" my foot!
Bob asked:
> Could you back up the above statement with some facts?
As I said, I point to Jerry's talks on this subject.
To summarize, bees can and do pick up and bring home
absolutely everything, so much so that they are excellent
"pollution detectors", and Jerry often finds what they
bring home in the honey, the wax, everywhere.
So, face it. Nothing is "pure" any more. Our machines
have gotten far to sensitive to play innocent. But don't
sweat it, as we can now detect things at levels so
tiny they are laughable to anyone with any education.
Parts-per-trillion is a real detectable level, not a joke.
To illustrate, the difference between parts per million,
billion and trillion, it is the difference between owing me
(in the USA or France or Canada):
Parts per Million = One million dollars
Parts per Billion = One thouand dollars
Parts Per Trillion = One dollar
Note that in the UK and Germany, a "billion" is 10^12,
which the US and France call a "trillion".
So, here's a handy converion table:
10^9 billion (US) - millard (UK)
10^12 trillion (US) - billion (UK)
10^15 quadrillion (US) - ???? (UK)
10^18 quintillion (US) - trillion (UK)
The US system gives a name to each multiple of
one thousand, with the UK system gives a name
to each multiple of a million.
More useful measurement schemes for US
beekeepers are listed below. Some of them
have to be said aloud to be understood:
10^21 piccolos = 1 gigolo
10^12 bulls = 1 terabull
10^12 microphones = 1 megaphone
10^12 pins = 1 terrapin
billions and billions = 1 Sagan
10^9 lows = 1 gigalow
10^9 antics = 1 gigantic
10^9 questions = 1 gigawhat
10^6 bicycles = 2 megacycles
2*10^3 mockingbirds = 2 kilo mockingbird
10 cards = 1 decacard
10 dence = 1 decadence
10 millipedes = 1 centipede
10 monologues = 5 dialogues
10 rations = 1 decoration
5 holocausts = 1 Pentecost
2 bulls = 1 Pair a bull
2 homosexuals = 1 bisexual
1 centipede/second = 1 velocipede
10^-1 mate = 1 decimate
10^-2 mentals = 1 centimental
10^-6 fish = 1 microfiche
10^-6 scopes = 1 microscope
10^-9 goats = 1 nanogoat
10^-12 boos = 1 picoboo
10^-12 dillies = 1 picodilly
10^-18 boys = 1 atto boy
* General Information About BEE-L is available at: *
* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm *