>Though the role of chemicals in Colony Collapse Disorder is still
>unknown, Frazier noted that beekeepers need more options for
>controlling varroa mites so they can reduce their reliance on
Do they really need more options? or do the current workable options not fit into the migratory
paradigm box?
There is no excuse anymore for using miticides that contaminate combs as we have formic, OA and
Apiguard. Further more its clear that the Russian line of bees can withstand mite loads and in general
other secondary pests and disease with out external inputs.
But the bee movers and feedlot keepers seemingly are uninterested as the shop rag treatments save
time and money and the russians are not as easily manipulated into laying eggs every time a bag of
sugar is waved in their direction.
We have answers but its not the answers that some folks want to accept.
* General Information About BEE-L is available at: *
* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm *