Medhat wrote:
>Harrison was wondering why dusting is good for tylosin and Oxy Tet
>application why not fumagillin.
I thought Randy made a good point when he wrote:
> The general strategy for fumigillin is to have bees store it as "honey" above the contracting brood nest in fall, so that they will later eat their way up into it (fumigillin is very stable in solution), and thus dose themselves through the winter.
If applied as a powder, it may be gone very quickly, hence wasted. I
think the opposite problem occurs with tetracycline: it degrades in
stored honey, thus the powder is the better vehicle.
Naturally one would want an easy method of treating colonies. Nobody
would want to give a tablespoon daily. But there has to be a balance
point between what is easiest/cheapest and what works.
Oxytetracycline Half Life In Honey and Syrup
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