Brian writes:
> So if I hear what you're saying is that your bees are
> not really AHB genetics but rather there is a
> possible conspiracy of sorts within our government at not
> only the state but federal level to
> incorrectly define some peoples bees as containing AHB
> genetics.
Brian I didn't say what you wrote above. But until I see lab analysis with same results instead of all different, then what does one believe is actually being seen? Actually if you look at early writings, all races in USA are in part africanized due to imports over the years several times by our own government. This I am not denying as happening, but it is interesting others are putting such information aside concernign early repeated imports, and saying that their bees are good european and on certain days they are probably just like mine in working. Yet here I am an old woman working bees like I always have since a teenager. So the bee work out here must be woman's work now and not for men!!
Dee A.Lusby
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