Try this:
Gavin this paper refers to CCD . CCD has yet to have a clear cause of CCD.
Four possible areas the USDA is looking at.
The neonicotinoids are a clear problem and not to be confused with a maybe
"Ghost" problem which may even be a natural occurrence which has happened
throughout beekeeping history when bees die.
Google "disappearing disease". Never solved.
Sure everyone has an *opinion* on what is killing the bees.
CCD is a name for a set of symptoms and nothing more at this time.
end of story.
Certainly no pathogen has been found and listed as the cause of CCD. Maybe
one will be but at this time all claims of CCD being caused by a pathogen
strictly hypothesis!
All statements on BEE_L about CCD being caused by a pathogen should start
with "in my opinion"
Neonicotinoid kills around the world are real problems and the 2 million
dollar award in Germany says so!
Does any member of the list believe what happened in Germany can not happen
in the U.S.?
Nosema ceranae is a real problem for beekeepers. NOT to be confused with
whatever is CCD.
As beekeepers we do not fight or chase ghosts. We deal with real issues.
However it is my *opinion* that some of the reported CCD cases were in fact
either nosema ceranae or neonicotinoid caused.
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